Sux, first PSN goes down, then my mother board dies on me. Ugh FML.
I laughed when I read this, but only because you know... that just sucks so badly.

When it rains eh?

As for myself, I have really stopped caring. It's been gone so long I've just disconnected. Most of the dirt is out. The new credit card is here. I was never going to sue anybody anyway. I got a book. I'm reading it. I don't care no more. It wasn't so much the gaming that had me interested in this whole affair. I have a 360 and a computer too right? And something about this makes me want to game less anyhow. It was the sheer amount of fail involved. The fail, the lying, my inconvenience all got me riled. But now it's gone. PSN? Never existed far as I care. My condolences to those of you who are still itching for your fix.

its been so long without psn, im actually ok without it. :/.
Echos my own thoughts. Funny how that happens eh?
im really beginning to hate sony. i mean FFS! if psn is not up by the end of this week, im getting a X360.
Why would Sony do anything but laugh if you go out and buy a 360, you already bought your PS3...

Don't you think it's strange PSN goes down and hordes of MS fanboys come out of the woodwork telling us 360 is better and asking why we won't pay for LIVE, I mean competition is good for the industry and us, why would anyone want Sony out of the picture completely...

Besides, if Sony play this right, they can have a lot of extra new sales for the 30 days after PSN goes back up, as long as they don't skimp on the welcome back package.
Why would Sony do anything but laugh if you go out and buy a 360, you already bought your PS3...

Don't you think it's strange PSN goes down and hordes of MS fanboys come out of the woodwork telling us 360 is better and asking why we won't pay for LIVE, I mean competition is good for the industry and us, why would anyone want Sony out of the picture completely...

Besides, if Sony play this right, they can have a lot of extra new sales for the 30 days after PSN goes back up, as long as they don't skimp on the welcome back package.

Because Sony doesn't make money on console sales?
Sigh.. Why does everyone keep getting mad about it being down. They are trying to make sure that a breach of this level does not happen again. To make sure, they have to continue to test the network in order to verify/correct any possible security holes. This requires a lot of testing, patching, and re-testing. I think everyone needs to remember what happened and understand that this will take time. If you all really want to go to XBox, go for it. Its either you have no net access, or you have to send in your Xbox for 3 weeks because it Red ringed.. oh wait.. i mean Red Dotted now... Either way you would not be able to get online right? lol
Fuck this shit, got a busted 360 from a friend who couldn't fix it (turns out he was just lazy and forgot to check the heatsink for thermal paste/malfunctions and that was the problem), cost me $40 to fix. I'm now enjoying laggy ass fighting games again. It feels good to rage at scrubs after a whole month of not doing so.

Also lol @ people sending in their 360s to Microsoft for RRoD fixes. Craiglist has like a ton of people willing to repair that shit for $40 and under, and it usually takes around 10 minutes to fix. Hell, the one I got used to lock up and overheat after I booted any game and now it plays flawlessly. And you can find RRoD'd 360s for $20 or less, shit, I got mine for free!
Fuck this shit, got a busted 360 from a friend who couldn't fix it (turns out he was just lazy and forgot to check the heatsink for thermal paste/malfunctions and that was the problem), cost me $40 to fix. I'm now enjoying laggy ass fighting games again. It feels good to rage at scrubs after a whole month of not doing so.

Also lol @ people sending in their 360s to Microsoft for RRoD fixes. Craiglist has like a ton of people willing to repair that shit for $40 and under, and it usually takes around 10 minutes to fix. Hell, the one I got used to lock up and overheat after I booted any game and now it plays flawlessly. And you can find RRoD'd 360s for $20 or less, shit, I got mine for free!

Wow, what a deal. Microsoft is so considerate to those budget-conscious gamers out there.
Well I've accomplished a shit load during these past weeks psn has been down.
I :
> Performed at Carnegie Hall
> Went to Sakura Con
> Merked everyone's ass in tennis
> Played some mvc3 offline
> Lost weight
> Bought ff13 for $5

Not to mention, that asstard Bin Laden is presumably dead and SC5 news came out. >D

Amazing things people do when the psn is down
Well I've accomplished a shit load during these past weeks psn has been down.
I :
> Performed at Carnegie Hall
> Went to Sakura Con
> Merked everyone's ass in tennis
> Played some mvc3 offline
> Lost weight
> Bought ff13 for $5

Not to mention, that asstard Bin Laden is presumably dead and SC5 news came out. >D

Amazing things people do when the psn is down

If it stays down three more months you'll be president!

Here's what I did:
>Ate a sammich.
>Fell asleep in an alley.
>Sang "how dry I am" to some laughing street hoods for a shot of whiskey.
>Solved a murder mystery aboard a cruise ship.

Looks like everyone's life is getting better!

(okay none of those things happened. With the possible exception of the sammich. I'm pretty boring.)

Sigh.. Why does everyone keep getting mad about it being down. They are trying to make sure that a breach of this level does not happen again. To make sure, they have to continue to test the network in order to verify/correct any possible security holes. This requires a lot of testing, patching, and re-testing. I think everyone needs to remember what happened and understand that this will take time. If you all really want to go to XBox, go for it. Its either you have no net access, or you have to send in your Xbox for 3 weeks because it Red ringed.. oh wait.. i mean Red Dotted now... Either way you would not be able to get online right? lol
I've been on the same 360 since SCIV came out. It's been a few years. They don't break down exactly every two months. Just when a game you've really been looking forward to comes out I tend to find.
Then you are one of the lucky people. I have about 5 different people that i work with who have had a total of 3 Xbox360s in the past year. Now if you ask me, that is about 9 weeks of down time that they had and they just bought the new one.. So far, all of them have either gave up video games and sold off the consoles, or moved to the PS3. So in my eye, its a hit or miss with the Xbox. The PS3 that i have finally went down on me after a good 5 years of use. I just bought a new slim and from the way i have seen it work, i think i will have another good 5 years from it as well.. Now i really didnt care about the online function of the PSN because i rarely have time to be playing games online.. If anything, i get about an hour a day maybe two hours to play and thats at times where people arent normally on since i work nights. The PSN breach to me is nothing as big as people are making it. All major corps, have been working like this for years.

Right now, I know that all major companies have hired security agencies to "break "into their networks to see if they are up to par. The only reason why they are doing this is because of what happened with Sony.. If this did not happen, then it would have been some one like Amazon who was attacked and had that info breached. If anything, people should be happy that Sony is doing all this extensive testing to make sure the network is secure. But then again, that how i view things about this.
They just hired an eternal company to take care of PSN.
Its a good move, sony is not microsoft and so is not involved in network infrastructures products...but its not normal that hackers had access to customers personal informations and it wouldn't have succedeed easily to other companies.
Nah, after the break into SOE as well, they are looking into the whole network.. I am pretty sure of this since when you look at the timeline, they had two major breaches in less then 30 days.. this would prompt any company to look into the overall network to see what holes they have. I will bet a good amount of cash that the professionals that they hired are not just working on the PSN but the over Sony network.
Then you are one of the lucky people. I have about 5 different people that i work with who have had a total of 3 Xbox360s in the past year.
I call bullshit. Where do you work, the "smash an xbox with a hammer" factory? I notice that you yourself do not claim to have ever owned one. Funny how that works huh? You have no first hand knowledge and a vehement opposition to a product you've never tried. Fanboy.

You're spouting some seriously outdated propaganda. The failure rate has been on a steady decline since 2008, when changes were made to the design.

Now if you ask me
Because you're so impartial right?

that is about 9 weeks of down time that they had and they just bought the new one..
So 15 xboxes and not one of them took advantage of the fact that MS repairs RROD'ed consoles for free?

So far, all of them have either gave up video games and sold off the consoles, or moved to the PS3.
It could happen to you, folks!

The PSN breach to me is nothing as big as people are making it. All major corps, have been working like this for years.
You are such a fucking toadie.
PSN might be back soon. A group of people selected by Sony is already testing PS network in EU, Japan and America. This is official info from PlaystationNL twitter.
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