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Whats up with faggots placing stupid unwritten rules in SC4..."your spamming 2a" "your spamming that same combo" if you do that combo more that twice your a noob""I cant play you, too many mix ups" "your level is too high" etc etc

...Just play the damn game, learn and over come!!! how the fuck do you suppose some of the best players on here got to where they are now by bitching and running out of tampons!! Hell no!
Real player never block, they don't throw, don't RO, and they sure as hell don't do fancy combos.

Real players: A,A, AA, A+B, B, B, K, BB, A, 3K, A, B, B, B, BB, BBB, B.
i wonder....wats the best ride at Six Flags....the one in Georgia.....

That there Wheel-o-Logs is the darn tootin'est, rascally ridin'est contraption you done ever seen.

Gay-ghis John:
"Stop spamming 2a already."

stop eating 2a already! ;)

"2a-the breakfast of champions"

See attachment for my reaction.

Actually, though, you have a point. No one should exploit the game at all because it makes it fair. In fact, let's remove ring-outs too.


  • 72tzqx.jpg
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I won my first SC4 tourney today! Okay, so it was at an anime convention, but I still kicked those weeaboos' asses.
Gay-ghis John:
"Stop spamming 2a already."

stop eating 2a already! ;)

"2a-the breakfast of champions"

Yes! I'm a champion! Hey wait...

Just like to clarify, ja and I have never met nor played. I just thought that response would be funny. If I may post serious here a second, if you're eating a move over and over again, it's nobody's fault but your own.
I dropped the soap.......

Well mabye Yoshimitsu can help.

Yoshi "Namuuuuuuu"

Oh crap I don't like were this is going.

Yoshi "FUTILE"

Wow I never knew Yoshimitsu could use his sword to do well......THAT

Yoshi " "NamuNamuNamuNamuNamuNamuNamu"

Are you gonna do that to me next Yoshimitsu?

(Yoshi turns and looks at me)

Yoshi "EWWWWWWWW! no way in hell man"


Soap "Awww crap I droped the human"

Another soap "Well I can't rape you. We don't have dicks remember?"

Soap "Oh....."

EWGF, EWGF, EWGF~FRC, 6K, 4ABBK, 3AA d/f+3+4(air throw), S,S,H~FRC j.K, j.S, j.HP, Air SPD~FRC c.LP c.LP, AA Rocket Punch, j.D, j.D~j.236S, dash, SRK~FRC, EX Air fireball, air tasu, LP, LP. 121~fff+2 (bound) hcb,f+1.