Shipping. Because you knew it would happen eventually.

Guy x guy pairings are my thing, so I'll just say the ones I like ~ XD

Zwei x Siegfried ~ I feel like someone's going to get me for this. X3
You're kidding right

Maxi x Kilik ~ I like how Kilik changes his expressions when facing Maxi and Xiba in arcade mode. >w<
Yet another femmeslash pair from me: Ivy x Elysium.

In the scene where Ivy is using the sacred treasures to help unlock Soul Calibur's true potential, Elysium had instead contacted her, not Patroklos. The spirit sword 'sympathizes' with her, showing grief at what emotional Hells she's had to go through, how she could lovingly touch no one because of her cursed bloodline... until now.

Not sure where to go with it, but I suppose something may come... eventually.
I rememer the first time I looked at this forum, about 2 years ago, I didn't even know what shipping was. It was a simpler time. An innocent time.

That being said, RaphxTira FTW! And how young do you think the new Yosh is? Think it'd be weird to ship him with Leixia? Works for some reason, I think.

What have I become? XD
I rememer the first time I looked at this forum, about 2 years ago, I didn't even know what shipping was. It was a simpler time. An innocent time.

That being said, RaphxTira FTW! And how young do you think the new Yosh is? Think it'd be weird to ship him with Leixia? Works for some reason, I think.

What have I become? XD

One of us.

That said, Leixia and Yoshimitsu... I can see that, actually. I don't know if Xianghua would approve, but what self-respecting teen always listens to their parents?
I rememer the first time I looked at this forum, about 2 years ago, I didn't even know what shipping was. It was a simpler time. An innocent time.

That being said, RaphxTira FTW! And how young do you think the new Yosh is? Think it'd be weird to ship him with Leixia? Works for some reason, I think.

What have I become? XD

I actually ship Natsu with Yoshi instead lol. The Fuma clan and Manjito clan... it'd be a cool union and it seems Yoshi knows natsu first since he took Leixia to her. That, and he has the Fu-ma blade which would make me lol if Natsu gave it to him somehow. It'd almost be one of those childhood romance, with a small twist that Natsu has a demon inside her while Yoshi has trouble controlling his cursed sword. :D
I actually ship Natsu with Yoshi instead lol. The Fuma clan and Manjito clan... it'd be a cool union and it seems Yoshi knows natsu first since he took Leixia to her. That, and he has the Fu-ma blade which would make me lol if Natsu gave it to him somehow. It'd almost be one of those childhood romance, with a small twist that Natsu has a demon inside her while Yoshi has trouble controlling his cursed sword. :D

You put a lot more thought into yours lol. I just thought they're both funny and silly and they already met and seem to have gotten along well. She might find the mask a little off-putting, but she'll get over it. And I'm sure he's beautiful enough to bring tears to the eyes of baby swans underneath it.