Shipping. Because you knew it would happen eventually.

I actually ship Natsu with Yoshi instead lol. The Fuma clan and Manjito clan... it'd be a cool union and it seems Yoshi knows natsu first since he took Leixia to her. That, and he has the Fu-ma blade which would make me lol if Natsu gave it to him somehow. It'd almost be one of those childhood romance, with a small twist that Natsu has a demon inside her while Yoshi has trouble controlling his cursed sword. :D
Hmm, seems like the ship of Xiba and Natsu has some competition with Yoshi being involved. I see the similarites of this ship compared to the one with Xiba and Natsu. Xiba has the evil genes from Kilik, and Natsu has Arahabaki inside her. Both got wild hair, mentored by Maxi, and are probably secreted potheads. Nothing to take away from Yoshi, but it seemed like Xiba and Natsu would probably work. I know Yoshi is a chivalrous yet mysterious guy, that has manners, humor, and class, but Xiba is a wild child with a boyish charm and looks that will make even teen heartthrobs blush, you can't compete with that, even from a young girl's point of view. There may be a little rivalry to see who ships best for Natsu.
Hmm, seems like the ship of Xiba and Natsu has some competition with Yoshi being involved. I see the similarites of this ship compared to the one with Xiba and Natsu. Xiba has the evil genes from Kilik, and Natsu has Arahabaki inside her. Both got wild hair, mentored by Maxi, and are probably secreted potheads. Nothing to take away from Yoshi, but it seemed like Xiba and Natsu would probably work. I know Yoshi is a chivalrous yet mysterious guy, that has manners, humor, and class, but Xiba is a wild child with a boyish charm and looks that will make even teen heartthrobs blush, you can't compete with that, even from a young girl's point of view. There may be a little rivalry to see who ships best for Natsu.

Maxi didn't mentor them, he's just babysitting them lol. Taki is natsu's teacher and Xiba has Xianghua's grandfather as his teacher. I care more about my zwei x viola ship but I just thought the Yoshi x Natsu ship could work, due to the fact that they might have been childhood friends and been close with their similarities. Xiba does have good looks, but he's not very mature and he just thinks about food. Natsu doesn't seem to have her heart throb for him, regarding their quotes.
"You're so gonna regret this!" starting battle with Xiba
"I win again! Ain't no big surprise." when she defeats Xiba.
Yoshi is alittle more interesting, with his chivalry, desire to avenge his master and inner conflict with controlling his cursed sword. And it's interesting that his clan and the Fu-ma clan has some kind of relation that's not really explained. But that's just my opinion lol. It'd be interesting to see how things will play out.

Also, I ship Leixia and Maxi. You can so tell she has a crush on Lord Maxi and I'd love to see Xianghua freak out, since she wanted her daughter to be the emperor's concubine.
Maxi didn't mentor them, he's just babysitting them lol. Taki is natsu's teacher and Xiba has Xianghua's father as his teacher. I care more about my zwei x viola ship but I just thought the Yoshi x Natsu ship could work, due to the fact that they might have been childhood friends and been close with their similarities. Xiba does have good looks, but he's not very mature and he just thinks about food. Natsu doesn't seem to have her heart throb for him, regarding their quotes.
"You're so gonna regret this!" starting battle with Xiba
"I win again! Ain't no big surprise." when she defeats Xiba.
Yoshi is alittle more interesting, with his chivalry, desire to avenge his master and inner conflict with controlling his cursed sword. And it's interesting that his clan and the Fu-ma clan has some kind of relation that's not really explained. But that's just my opinion lol. It'd be interesting to see how things will play out.

Also, I ship Leixia and Maxi. You can so tell she has a crush on Lord Maxi and I'd love to see Xianghua freak out, since she wanted her daughter to be the emperor's concubine.

Okay then, but Xiba and Natsu look like they have so much in common for them to be shipped together. As for Leixia and Maxi, Xianghua would have a fit! If Leixia ran away just to be with him, that just gives any excuse for Xianghua to go after her, not that I blame Leixia to not be some emperor's concubine and all, but I think she doesn't want her to go the same route as she did.
Okay then, but Xiba and Natsu look like they have so much in common for them to be shipped together. As for Leixia and Maxi, Xianghua would have a fit! If Leixia ran away just to be with him, that just gives any excuse for Xianghua to go after her, not that I blame Leixia to not be some emperor's concubine and all, but I think she doesn't want her to go the same route as she did.

Yea, Xianghua is worried her daughter will get hurt like her (thanks Kilik).
So she just wants Leixia to live life safely. Like a bird in a gilded cage :/
It would be really interesting if Leixia falls for Maxi. She doesn't know alot about him. He's not only malfested, he has this dark history against Astaroth and he's much older than her. He might not want to be with her cuz he's afraid he'll hurt her and the great romance Leixia has been wanting will be crushed, just like her mom's. But whether she has the strength to 'cut her path through fate' will be up to her.

Oh yea, I don't really care about the age thing since back then, girls get married young. I'm pretty sure the emperor is somewhere from 10-20 yrs older than her but Xianghua still wanted to Lexia to be his concubine. I'd rather have Leixia be with Maxi than some king with a million other concubines, stuck in a life she doesn't want.
Yea, Xianghua is worried her daughter will get hurt like her (thanks Kilik).
So she just wants Leixia to live life safely. Like a bird in a gilded cage :/
It would be really interesting if Leixia falls for Maxi. She doesn't know alot about him. He's not only malfested, he has this dark history against Astaroth and he's much older than her. He might not want to be with her cuz he's afraid he'll hurt her and the great romance Leixia has been wanting will be crushed, just like her mom's. But whether she has the strength to 'cut her path through fate' will be up to her.

Oh yea, I don't really care about the age thing since back then, girls get married young. I'm pretty sure the emperor is somewhere from 10-20 yrs older than her but Xianghua still wanted to Lexia to be his concubine. I'd rather have Leixia be with Maxi than some king with a million other concubines, stuck in a life she doesn't want.
I understand that, but Leixia doesn't want to be tied down either. Leixia wants to experience that romance, but Xianghua needs to coach her, rather than keep her cooped up in a palace with someone she doesn't want to be with (sounding familiar?). I think Leixia can cut her path, but she'll need Xianghua to guide her. Sure, she'll only see a guy's good looks, but she also needs to see their personality and intentions. I'm pretty sure Maxi is a good guy with an edge and all, but it's pretty risky concerning all he's been through. It's all about Leixia learning from Xianghua's mistakes and not to repeat them.
I understand that, but Leixia doesn't want to be tied down either. Leixia wants to experience that romance, but Xianghua needs to coach her, rather than keep her cooped up in a palace with someone she doesn't want to be with (sounding familiar?). I think Leixia can cut her path, but she'll need Xianghua to guide her. Sure, she'll only see a guy's good looks, but she also needs to see their personality and intentions. I'm pretty sure Maxi is a good guy with an edge and all, but it's pretty risky concerning all he's been through. It's all about Leixia learning from Xianghua's mistakes and not to repeat them.

It certainly is. So Leixia, don't do anything till you're married! xD

On another note, I ship them because I have a fondness for tragic romance or romances that are not smooth. The more difficult the journey, the more worthwhile it is. And a good story/romance isn't good unless there are bumps and this one is just too good to pass on lol. On another note, I hate love triangles/squares/octagons and everything that has it. It's unoriginal, boring, not creative, and I don't care to know about a dozen guys falling for the most 'perrrrrrrrrrrfect' girl in the world. Or vice versa. *Shudders*
So I hate the Raphael x Viola x Zwei thing. I'd rather main Aeon if this happens. Raph needs to get over Amy. I miss the old not crazy/obsessed him. He was a cool dad in SCII. Now he just gets progressively creepier down the series. Not to mention, they cut out all his good quotes for dumb ones.
Like "Why do you fight, when you know you will lose?" to
"Amy awaits me. You shall make a fine pet for Amy. AMYYYYY! Amy-blah blahh -more Amy stuff insert here- My beloved- blah Amy."
It certainly is. So Leixia, don't do anything till you're married! xD

On another note, I ship them because I have a fondness for tragic romance or romances that are not smooth. The more difficult the journey, the more worthwhile it is. And a good story/romance isn't good unless there are bumps and this one is just too good to pass on lol. On another note, I hate love triangles/squares/octagons and everything that has it. It's unoriginal, boring, not creative, and I don't care to know about a dozen guys falling for the most 'perrrrrrrrrrrfect' girl in the world. Or vice versa. *Shudders*
So I hate the Raphael x Viola x Zwei thing. I'd rather main Aeon if this happens. Raph needs to get over Amy. I miss the old not crazy/obsessed him. He was a cool dad in SCII. Now he just gets progressively creepier down the series. Not to mention, they cut out all his good quotes for dumb ones.
Like "Why do you fight, when you know you will lose?" to
"Amy awaits me. You shall make a fine pet for Amy. AMYYYYY! Amy-blah blahh -more Amy stuff insert here- My beloved- blah Amy."
Pretty much, Leixia needs to be a lot smarter and listen to Xianghua about relationship advice. As for tragic romances, I kinda feel for them, because you want them to be together in the end, but they couldn't because of so many conflicts and circumstances. The only way tragic lovers could be together is in death, much like Romeo and Juliet. As for love triangles, it is cliche (thanks Twilight) and predictable. I do agree that Raphael needs to move on from Amy, his whole story revolved around her, rather than having his own struggles. He got kicked out by his family in SC2, turned into a vampire in SC3, but he took a backseat to Amy in SC4. I think Raph should've got even with his family in SC3, have him become a champion for the poor and underprivileged or vigilante (a la Zorro).
So I hate the Raphael x Viola x Zwei thing. I'd rather main Aeon if this happens. Raph needs to get over Amy. I miss the old not crazy/obsessed him. He was a cool dad in SCII. Now he just gets progressively creepier down the series. Not to mention, they cut out all his good quotes for dumb ones.
Like "Why do you fight, when you know you will lose?" to
"Amy awaits me. You shall make a fine pet for Amy. AMYYYYY! Amy-blah blahh -more Amy stuff insert here- My beloved- blah Amy."

Oh Raphael </3

He needs to be hit in the face with the hammer of character development. I think they could get the Zwei thing to make it work, though. After trying to murderinate Zwei, he talks to them and sees that she's happy with Zwei and that she's actually getting out in the world a little. Which was Raph's whole goal in life. He'd have to try to move on. From there, he could go full-on deranged hermit (please no) or he could find a new goal in life. Like gaining land, power, and influence and killing the crap out of the nobles that ruined his life in the first place.

Or he could fall for one of the SC girls (or guys? don't which way he swings lol) and have a bit of a newer, healthier thing going for him. Like I said before, I totally ship him with Tira.

I dunno. I could even see him becoming a more neutral character that even helps out the good guys to destroy Soul Edge/Calibur (and maybe even gets his curse lifted) because of the people he cares about (Amy, potential lover, friends?) and not just because JUSTICE. Because that's boring.

I think Raph should've got even with his family in SC3, have him become a champion for the poor and underprivileged or vigilante (a la Zorro).

Also, this. <3 you, Shaolin.
His entire family was killed, according to the timeline. I believe Dumas had a hand in it ;D
I ship Raph with Talim. She can show him how beautiful the world is and purify him <3
He's talented with medicine while she's skilled in spiritual healing. They can travel the world and help people, and I would love to see him become a better person because of her. It's like those kind of romances like Dracula and Lisa from Castlevania. She's a kind and beautiful woman and he's... errr, Dracula lol. But they fell in love anyway <3 and had a tragic end (>T_T)

It's my moon and sun couple <3 <3 <3
Of course, with my weird luck, it's going to end tragically. :sc5vio1: "The moon will swallow the sun... and it will never rise again.
Thanks Viola, I wonder who this person could be. Assuming raph's the moon, this person is certainly not malfested. It's like what she said to Patty Cake and his sister, about the sun not being able to rise together. Wind knows, he'll bite Talim and get blood poisoning. And die. The End. (>O_O)
*It's funny how she always wear the sun and moon medallion as well >;3
So I hate the Raphael x Viola x Zwei thing. I'd rather main Aeon if this happens. Raph needs to get over Amy. I miss the old not crazy/obsessed him. He was a cool dad in SCII. Now he just gets progressively creepier down the series. Not to mention, they cut out all his good quotes for dumb ones.
Like "Why do you fight, when you know you will lose?" to
"Amy awaits me. You shall make a fine pet for Amy. AMYYYYY! Amy-blah blahh -more Amy stuff insert here- My beloved- blah Amy."

100% agree. SC2 and SC3 Raph had awesome lines. Now they're too cheesy except "My swordplay is peerless" or "I've wasted enough time on you already". Many sources speculate the three characters are based on the twilight series, which I really dislike. Just NOO!! I think the Raph SA needs a thread on this for SC6 lol for the devs to read.

I do agree that Raphael needs to move on from Amy, his whole story revolved around her, rather than having his own struggles. He got kicked out by his family in SC2, turned into a vampire in SC3, but he took a backseat to Amy in SC4. I think Raph should've got even with his family in SC3, have him become a champion for the poor and underprivileged or vigilante (a la Zorro).

He had so much potential when he first came out and I accepted his malfestation but his story went into a completely wrong direction when Amy became involved. It's pretty obnoxious to have a street girl rob him of moves and reputation. Great idea btw. Send it to the devs. I can see Raph being the local doctor and European Zorro, protecting people from corrupt nobles for example.

It's my moon and sun couple <3 <3 <3
Of course, with my weird luck, it's going to end tragically. :sc5vio1: "The moon will swallow the sun... and it will never rise again.
Thanks Viola, I wonder who this person could be. Assuming raph's the moon, this person is certainly not malfested. It's like what she said to Patty Cake and his sister, about the sun not being able to rise together. Wind knows, he'll bite Talim and get blood poisoning. And die. The End. (>O_O)
*It's funny how she always wear the sun and moon medallion as well >;3

Doesn't Zwei have a moon symbol on his chest? If he is the moon, she might mean Zwei will take her, and Raph will never see Amy again. That would be a good thing lol. Just give Raph Talim then haha. Talim could restore Raph's soul and long lost swagger from SC2.
His entire family was killed, according to the timeline. I believe Dumas had a hand in it ;D
I ship Raph with Talim. She can show him how beautiful the world is and purify him <3
He's talented with medicine while she's skilled in spiritual healing. They can travel the world and help people, and I would love to see him become a better person because of her. It's like those kind of romances like Dracula and Lisa from Castlevania. She's a kind and beautiful woman and he's... errr, Dracula lol. But they fell in love anyway <3 and had a tragic end (>T_T)

It's my moon and sun couple <3 <3 <3
Of course, with my weird luck, it's going to end tragically. :sc5vio1: "The moon will swallow the sun... and it will never rise again.
Thanks Viola, I wonder who this person could be. Assuming raph's the moon, this person is certainly not malfested. It's like what she said to Patty Cake and his sister, about the sun not being able to rise together. Wind knows, he'll bite Talim and get blood poisoning. And die. The End. (>O_O)
*It's funny how she always wear the sun and moon medallion as well >;3

You know, Raph and Talim would make a great duo. Their both good with medicine, and can work together. She can purify him while he charms her. Seems like you want them to have a tragic relationship.
He had so much potential when he first came out and I accepted his malfestation but his story went into a completely wrong direction when Amy became involved. It's pretty obnoxious to have a street girl rob him of moves and reputation. Great idea btw. Send it to the devs. I can see Raph being the local doctor and European Zorro, protecting people from corrupt nobles for example.

You mean on Twitter to Daishi and Tago? I might just do that.
Doesn't Zwei have a moon symbol on his chest? If he is the moon, she might mean Zwei will take her, and Raph will never see Amy again. That would be a good thing lol. Just give Raph Talim then haha. Talim could restore Raph's soul and long lost swagger from SC2.
Viola is as far from the sun as possible though lol. If you take a look at her 2p outfit, they slapped a million moon symbols on her outfit. So she and Zwei are both moons lol.
Yessss! Give him back his swag xD
I miss the old Raph so much. Even his old song sounds so noble, powerful, and cool.
His new one is ok (Blood Thirst Concerto), but it can't compare.
And it's probably me but I can't take him seriously anymore and the new theme makes me laugh. It sounds good but way too overdramatic and they're totally trying to drive it in our heads he's a vampire. They don't get that he's much more that. (>V_V) Oh yea, I suuuuuuuuuppose the Amy obsession is the one thing the devs thinks flair out his character. Thanks. At least they made Nighty = Dumas= Raph for some excitement or else his story is totally going down the abyss of no return.

And Raph x Talim 4 ever <3
And it's probably me but I can't take him seriously anymore and the new theme makes me laugh. It sounds good but way too overdramatic and they're totally trying to drive it in our heads he's a vampire. They don't get that he's much more that. (>V_V) Oh yea, I suuuuuuuuuppose the Amy obsession is the one thing the devs thinks flair out his character. Thanks. At least they made Nighty = Dumas= Raph for some excitement or else his story is totally going down the abyss of no return.

It was okay in SC3 that Raph was a vampire, but it got tedious after that. We get it, he's a creature of the night, but they took it waaaaaaay overboard, and making it seem like that was his story, along with the whole Amy obsession and creating a new world for her. Pretty much, they screwed his story up after 4. I didn't mind the whole vampire thing, but they could've at least made him more of a anti-hero, and make him go after the corrupted nobles that he once worked with to bring liberation to the poverty stricken people.
And it's probably me but I can't take him seriously anymore and the new theme makes me laugh. It sounds good but way too overdramatic and they're totally trying to drive it in our heads he's a vampire. They don't get that he's much more that. (>V_V) Oh yea, I suuuuuuuuuppose the Amy obsession is the one thing the devs thinks flair out his character. Thanks. At least they made Nighty = Dumas= Raph for some excitement or else his story is totally going down the abyss of no return.

It was okay in SC3 that Raph was a vampire, but it got tedious after that. We get it, he's a creature of the night, but they took it waaaaaaay overboard, and making it seem like that was his story, along with the whole Amy obsession and creating a new world for her. Pretty much, they screwed his story up after 4. I didn't mind the whole vampire thing, but they could've at least made him more of a anti-hero, and make him go after the corrupted nobles that he once worked with to bring liberation to the poverty stricken people.