Shipping. Because you knew it would happen eventually.

I dunno. I still like Patsu more. I just picture them in the middle of a brawl, making smartass quips at each other, then sharing a tender riverside moment afterwards.
... nah. I dunno, I don't see it. They strike me as being super-awesome-best friends, but I can't see them taking the next step.

Yet I can somehow see Xiba x Pyrrha... f**k, I'm weird. Maybe because Pyrrha strikes me as being ultimate housewife material, and Xiba... well, food. Plus, both hold the titles of "Most Fanbase-divisive characters in SCV". 'Nuff said.
... nah. I dunno, I don't see it. They strike me as being super-awesome-best friends, but I can't see them taking the next step.

Yet I can somehow see Xiba x Pyrrha... f**k, I'm weird. Maybe because Pyrrha strikes me as being ultimate housewife material, and Xiba... well, food. Plus, both hold the titles of "Most Fanbase-divisive characters in SCV". 'Nuff said.
Xiba and Natsu have too much in common to be just super-awesome best friends. Xiba inherited the evil seed from Kilik, and Natsu has Arahabaki inside her. Both act modern, and they look like they would have great chemistry together. No knock on Xiba x Pyrhha, but Xibatsu would look good together.
Xiba and Natsu have too much in common to be just super-awesome best friends. Xiba inherited the evil seed from Kilik, and Natsu has Arahabaki inside her. Both act modern, and they look like they would have great chemistry together. No knock on Xiba x Pyrhha, but Xibatsu would look good together.

It's because they're so alike in backstory that I think they'd be ultimate-best friends, even the kind of friends where you'd swear they were dating. I dunno, I just can't see it, no matter how hard I try.

Then again, I really hate the Pat x Pyrrha pairing (and incest as a general rule).
It's because they're so alike in backstory that I think they'd be ultimate-best friends, even the kind of friends where you'd swear they were dating. I dunno, I just can't see it, no matter how hard I try.
True, but that's how relationships start out. They have so much in common, as well as interests, so they're made for each other.
Even if the Patroklos x Pyrrha pairing was canon, I imagine it to be one sided. ( Patroklos in love w/ Pyrhha)

If you all have forgotten, Pyrrha had a fiance @-@ Who knows if she's over him yet? :( Poor Pyrrha