Soul Calibur 6 Discussion

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All I want is a game with the classic roster. SCIV was released 8 years ago, it's been nearly a decade since the last time we had a main game with the roster we all know and love. Is that too much to ask for? For Daishi, it apparently was. I'm so glad he's gone now.
You know, you'd think they would catch on to what's the most beneficial by now.

Even if they didn't include all the favorite characters from past games for let's say, story & timeline issues.


What they should do is wait 1 year & then make those characters DLC.
Think about it.

-It'll extend the game's relevancy.
Tournaments will thus be more active.

-The devout fans will definitely be ecstatic.
This will also reinforce the new fan/consumer base that comes with the game.
New fan: "Dang they're still releasing content for this game. This is pretty awesome. It's nice to see a company that cares and is passionate about their product."
*Note The Witcher 3*

Incase someone with decision making reads this...

-They will make much more money.(Apparently the most important thing to them)
Been stalking this page for years waiting for some actual SCVI news...

Just look at The Witcher 3. Look at the fans comments, the success & accolades.

I want Soul Calibur to have that kind of success.

It is possible and definitely within reach, they just need to make the right decisions.
I don't know about that. I don't see a fighting game being able to match the level of success that The Witcher has. They do need to make the right decisions if they want to survive though.
Gotta agree with Nyte here, Fighting Games really aren't near as successful as other genres these days unless you're MK or SF
Perhaps not right away, like after SCVI releases. I just mean Soul Calibur as a franchise has WAY more potential.

SF, MK & Tekken have been around for a bit longer. They have also gotten more attention, hype and dlc. They're just more mainstream I suppose you could say.

You've gotta at least agree that Soul Calibur should be much bigger than it is right now. It has everything it needs except the same kind of backing as those other games.
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If SC wants to return to its former glory they better go back to what made SC great to begin with, such as the old characters for example. Thankfully, based on their performance in the poll, that shouldn't be an issue. All that's left is to make sure the game itself is good.
If SC wants to return to its former glory they better go back to what made SC great to begin with, such as the old characters for example. Thankfully, based on their performance in the poll, that shouldn't be an issue. All that's left is to make sure the game itself is good.
Even Xianghua, because I've got tech that can make X insta-banned.
I actually think the next game will sell pretty well since it'll be a return to form with the classic characters coming back. I know I'm assuming here a little but there's no way they'd make the same mistake twice would they?
What do you guys think about a story reboot? Not starting over from the beginning but from around the time of SC1 or 2 and going from there. I feel like it would be a good idea since they wouldn't need any of the new SC5 characters anymore with the old cast being young again and it would give them a way to retcon the time jump between 4 and 5. Since the new characters probably aren't coming back I see no reason to keep on with the current story either. Might as well go back in time.
I very much like the new characters. I think it would be a travesty if they cut them all. I would never be able to have muh viable ZWEI. But yeah, new characters are fine. Theres no reason they can't have both.
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