The New MMA Thread

pretty good event but sucks they didnt show cowboy and razor robs fight
woulda lived to seen it ppl say it was the best fight
Anyone else think that people who thought Kimbo was a real fighter is mentally challenged? Thats almost like saying wrestling is real.
Smithy are you gonna make it to the Nov. 15th tourney in NJ? We're gonna order the Couture v Lesnar PPV after the tourney is done. Maybe before it's done, lol.
maybe, i have some tentative plans to see the event with some unreliable people so it depends on whether they flake out
I didn't see it on there either, sorry. That Faber elbow was hilarious, lol. Got knocked out like a chump. Gotta laugh at the announcer making that Anderson Silva reference, someone pointed out to me that he did that to someone in a Cage Rage event a couple years back. Difference is, Silva wouldn't have missed.

1 vid from cowboys myspace page

chael sonnen is calling out silva btw if u watched the post fight interview
dunno i think faber would own silva
i think brock might beat mir this time around because he learned his lesson. nog is a different story though. i give the edge to nog but i can still see brock overcoming it and win.
I so wish they'd sign Fedor already so we could see an epic Lesnar-get-raped match. Be kind of funny rooting for the Russian to beat the dogshit out of the American, though.
That's not saying much, when we have to root for Fedor to come in and beat up Lesnar, you know he must be good. There aren't many other people we can say that about.

I dunno if you just don't like him for him, but people need to stop acting like he isn't legit. This isn't Kimbo Slice.
I'll just leave that here


