There were no "Good old days". SC Changes (often and drastically)

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Man, this site has changed a lot. When I first got here, I came here acting like a "scrub", but got help with shit and learned to become a better player.

I wanted to participate in tourneys and meet nearly everyone who is active one this site so we could talk in person and become friends, even if we were enemies, we could meet in person so we could talk face to face and not like online warriors.

This rivalry is fucking stupid and proves nothing. I'll see you guys at a tourney or something, but for now, I'm out.

I'll just say that's what's so bad when people replay old games? Especially when they are fighting games. I'll use Tekken for my example. My bro got TTT2 and I do play it and it is fun but I also go back and play Tekken 2, Tekken 3, Tekken 4, and so on. Not because I necessarily think they are better but because I like playing them every now and then. Same with SC. I've made my peace with 5 and I think it's alright but I do go back and play the older titles just for the heck of it (and with 3-4, for Cassandra because she is so fun to play lol). The point is, it's not so wrong for people to replay old games if it makes them happy or have fun. It doesn't always mean that they think the current game out sucks or anything, at least for myself anyway.
Oh dear, I'm on slytherin?

Remove the casual forum and you'll start seeing garbage threads popping up in the SCV multi forum and the SAs. It's like slytherin house, we keep all the bad apples in one place for easier manageability.
F**k Slytherin! Ravenclaw FTW!!

Preach! This casual vs pro mentality is so unnecessary.
Unfortunately, that seems to be the problem around here. It's like Crips vs. Bloods, but on the internet.

Yes i noticed a lot of newcomers were discouraged. then when rich announced SCV. i started to change the mood and commit.....just saying
My first time here actually began with an argument. No surprise who was on the other end....
The is now a casual vs competitive thread. Sorry Idle.

I'm not actually upset that this is happening, if only because some of the people who *were* invested are airing their grievances. Also, any thread that Greatone and Shen(anyone) is involved in is instantly that much better for their inclusion.

I remember when I joined the site I didn't go around acting like I knew what the fuck was going on and disrespecting the older players. I asked questions if I didn't know something and if I posted something that was wrong and someone corrected me I thanked them instead of getting defensive.

I didn't come here acting like a scrub and I wasn't treated like one.

This pretty much sums up my history with every FG forum I was a part of. These days you get kids with this massive hard-on over the sanctity of their opinion. I remember back in SC3, I really didn't like the game. I mean I *really* hated it. There was a similar thread to the hate ones we have now, but in that thread there were pros and vets who would confront people's criticisms, including my own, about the game. On many things, I was full of shit, and I was told so. It was one of the best things that ever happened to me.... and here we are now.

As the guy who got the casual forums created (including the story forums too); let me be 100% clear- it was as a quarantine for certain things like this. It was also made with the understanding that it might serve as a trap to entice some people to say "hey ya'll I wonder whats OUTSIDE the discussion of why Hilde's tittays are this size". The forum has a legacy of being a competitive forum, and is primarily run by competitive people, or at least, knowledeable ones.

PS: Leave the fucking mods alone. If the mods were being paid or compensated in some fashion for trudging through this shit, you could complain. They are volunteers, and this place is stressful.
Generally, if you're full of shit on 8wayrun and making tons of statements with no evidence to back it up, someone will correct you. Its cool to be assholes to those people. Theres nothing worse then someone who considers their opinion fact and above all else. The problem arises for me when people are told that their opinions aren't as valid because they don't play competitively. While this is true in some cases, (why should a casual have a say in balance discussions as opposed to a pro that plays for money?) it isn't always.

And this Casual player vs Competitive player mentality is nonsense. Were not fucking gang members. Were a community of people that enjoy an amazing fighting game franchise.
Generally, if you're full of shit on 8wayrun and making tons of statements with no evidence to back it up, someone will correct you. Its cool to be assholes to those people. Theres nothing worse then someone who considers their opinion fact and above all else. The problem arises for me when people are told that their opinions aren't as valid because they don't play competitively. While this is true in some cases, (why should a casual have a say in balance discussions as opposed to a pro that plays for money?) it isn't always.

And this Casual player vs Competitive player mentality is nonsense. Were not fucking gang members. Were a community of people that enjoy an amazing fighting game franchise.

I'm terribly sorry for quoting you but......

They say online warrior's opinion is invalid, but not unless you ask them about it and see what info you can exchange. I've seen it. I've done it as well. Sometimes, it feels good to just be excited to learn and stop worrying so much.

Peeps who got shot down were peeps who acted like ego-concentric idiots with opinions and didn't think before posting. Yet on top of that, Mods and all were still lenient. Tell me, who is really spoiled?
I asked questions because I show interest in competitive stuff. I take part in casuals because I like dress-ups. The reason why someone like me is respected online is because I had to nut up and use some common sense.
Sugarcoating or not, you're gonna need people to tell you "hey, that move is unsafe because blah blah". Casual thread stuff is there to separate the casuals to hardcores. Despite that, you can't ask peeps to treat you nice, you gotta earn it.

However, I've seen people take advantage of a situation. I won't say who, but they're fortunate that Mods and all are lenient. I've been here at least long enough to watch how certain peeps became what they are.

This thread or better yet forum intent was meant to educate, why hasn't some people understood that? The casual stuff is basically a coloring book for us to play with when bored.
I don't think this anything to do with old vs new, or even competitive vs casual. From what I gather, it's about respect (or a lack thereof).

When you're learning something new, you show respect to those who know more than you do. You want to learn from them, right? You wouldn't walk into a martial arts dojo, go up to the sensei and say "hey, bitch, this is how it's done" would you? No... Not unless you suffer from a very acute mental disorder. Show some respect, and you'll get respect in return.

I'm really not trying to step on anyone's toes here, and I'm definitely not trying to say "look at me, I'm awesome, I got everything figured out". The only point that I'm trying to make is that I'm a mediocre player, I regularly engage in casual discussion about the story and whatnot, and I haven't participated in a single tournament offline or online as of yet... but not once have I been treated disrespectfully by a veteran player. I've actually received nothing but constructive support in helping me learn the game whenever I've asked a question. And I've asked a lot of questions.

I've actually found this to be a pretty supportive community... Am I the only one?
Well. I just read through 9 pages of arguments, flaming, harsh facts and long posts.

All I got to say is....where is the love? LOVE?

inb4 I get flamed for non-informative post in a casual forum.
Prove to me you're not biased and do a write-up on sc5's flaws.

That was 4 pages ago. Still waiting for an honest, objective critique. Since you obviously know so much about SC, why not include sc5? Your omission to this says a lot about biases.

What's the opposite of nostalgia? You know, constantly feeling like the newer is always better, when it might not necessarily be?
That was 4 pages ago. Still waiting for an honest, objective critique. Since you obviously know so much about SC, why not include sc5? Your omission to this says a lot about biases.

What's the opposite of nostalgia? You know, constantly feeling like the newer is always better, when it might not necessarily be?

I don't think you understand the point of this thread at all.
i made an account here 2 years but ive only started using it for about 2 months now. And BlackRose is right, i had people tell me not to join because of the elitset attitude people have. That attitude is what drives people away, not ignorance. You can play online with a group of friends and talk about the game how you want without having someone jump in, and try to make the conversatation a "proper discussion" by jamming in some nonsence. some one said people need to learn how to ask questions. I didnt come here to ask questions. Thats hilarious. I already know how to play SC, I came to meet like minded gamers so i can chat with them, and i dont like SC5. Remember the "defecting SC5" thread? Any one that jumped in to call the thread stupid or ignorant is an elitest. If thats a "casual" topic then how is that thread hurting you? Ive taught online friends how to play SC and ive never felt the need to prove them wrong. At 8wayrun, i want the freedom to vent my frustatings to anyone that cares to listen but im not forcing anyone to listen. If it hurts your feelings, its not my fault. I dont have a duty to say things just to make you happy, im not your mama. just dont listen to me. If your concerned that im spreading something thats factualy wrong then say what it is.
Ah so we're going to go with the sarcastic route. Plus you're assuming that I'm an overall negative person and am discouraging new people from coming here. I'm not helpful? First off check my history. I have no problems with new people joining the community and contributing in their own way. As long as it's done right. Look I'm not some elitist old school calibur head that you all like to say is out there. In fact you could say I'm one of the better known people on this forum but not due to my skill in this game (I'm trash), not because of all of my "golden contributions" to my respective SA (I don't know shit), and not because I'm some online celebrity who runs some sort of popular stream show (I fucking hate computers). But I can tell you what I have done. I personally dragged Hawkeye into this community during our SC4 XBL days. I was there welcoming some of our newer guys like Xeph, Partisan, Heaton, Sephalump, and Ringout.

Really I can go on about what I've contributed personally to this community but I'm not trying to pat myself on the back. What I am trying to do is maybe help those who want to contribute to this forum. Because as I've said I'm an idiot at this game. BUT, I'm a HUGE fan. And one of the things that I've done while not coming off as an uninformed idiot was ask questions. I know I don't have much to contribute due to my lack of knowledge. I know that when it comes to how to play this game/series correctly these are the guys to learn from. I know that when I have an opinion on this game/series that when I express it I don't present it as concrete fact. I leave it open ended for discussion so maybe something I've missed could be explained to me and then we can openly communicate on what could be changed for the better. But overall you have these people who haven't put in the time or gained any kind of respect coming in and saying the biggest pile of bullshit over and over again and then wanna argue if they're corrected. Or they come in spouting off some negative opinion and using terms like "the real soul calibur" that really everyone just rolls their eyes at. It does nothing but to contribute to the strife and disharmony in these forums. So all I'm asking is if you're a newer guy and want to contribute, ask some questions at first. See what the overall consensus is on whatever subject you're trying to form an opinion on and whether you agree or disagree go from there. If you disagree state why and ask why the consensus is different from what you feel the point is. I know this won't ever be the case. As everyone has a chip on their shoulders on wants to be right all the goddamn time but hey a man can dream huh?

Sorry. My tone may have added to the problem and that wasn't my intent. It's easier than I thought to come across as an ass hole. I hope it didn't detract from my overall point. But if it did, that's kind of the crux of the problem in my opinion. Ironically, I may have just made myself an example of the kind of attitudes that muck up a conversation. Awkward...

"How to Tame a Viola" - LOL! I'm pretty sure the thread speaks for itself. It's seems to me that LP and the like have enough patience to let twan kind of hang him/herself. If twan sticks around a while she'll (said something about a boyfriend so I'm assuming) probably look back and feel kind of silly one day. I think it's awesome that LP's going to take the time out to play twan. That's kind of above and beyond his duty isn't it?
And you saying "you don't play it" means that it should be removed? Not the best reason.

The feature being "gimmicky" isn't the best reason either. In fact, that is the worst because Soul Calibur has always been gimmicky. The guest characters are proof of that. The only game I would say that it isn't gimmicky is Soul Blade, because that was their first installment, released when everything about fighting games in gameplay was not established yet.

No, i say that mainly because it is ripped from SF, that is the main reason why it shouldn´t be in SoulCalibur(CE´s).

Many people played SC for what it is, and they didn´t want a 3D SF-esque like game with Weapons.

And btw, if anything, then SC(1) isn´t a gimmicky SC either when it comes to your definiton since there weren´t guest chars either.
No, i say that mainly because it is ripped from SF, that is the main reason why it shouldn´t be in SoulCalibur(CE´s).

Many people played SC for what it is, and they didn´t want a 3D SF-esque like game with Weapons.

And btw, if anything, then SC(1) isn´t a gimmicky SC either when it comes to your definiton since there weren´t guest chars either.
Unless you technically don't count Yoshimitsu. That sure brought some Yoshi fans in.
I don't think you understand the point of this thread at all.
The point of this thread was to shatter the myth that older SC were "better". I get that. All I'm saying is that you need to look at sc5's issues side by side with the other games to really get a fair perspective. Like I said before, the fact that you refuse to even acknowledge sc5's flaws scream bias.

For example: I could say that now verticals track/realign worse than they ever did. Some may not think this is a big deal, but this bothers me pretty badly, especially coming from slow-as-fuck verticals that you can see a mile away. I feel like this essentially renders QS near pointless, now the only thing it does is add 10 unnecessary frames to your 22_88 moves.

Okay, let's talk about grabs being horizontal now. WTF? There is no reason why I shouldn't be able to step grabs like I used to. Combine that with shave damage on a correct guess, what you get is a game with grabs being a pinch too strong IMO.

Let's talk about how wall combo's are downright ridiculous now. Every character is capable of well over 50% wall combos now, some with very little meter usage! Just the other day I got THREE NM's 4KK's on a wall combo. I don't know exactly what changed from the last game, possibly longer wall stuns I guess.

Damage output in general is too high. Rounds are too short, and due to extended combo capabilities with BE's, there really isn't much room for error within one round. Basically, you make 2 mistakes, you're practically dead. Again, some may see this as a good thing, me personally I am turned off by this. I would actually prefer a SC game where 25% life combos was about the max you could get, roughly. I'm pretty sure no SC has been quite like that, but that is my "ideal" scenario.

You can JG if you whiff a GI and still not get hit. Don't ask me how, but I saw right here on 8wr.

Let's also talk about the roster. I have the utmost sympathy for die-hard Zas, Mina, Yeong, or Talim fans. I never played these characters myself, but I thoroughly enjoyed playing against them. They had quirky and interesting styles. Some may consider the new characters as boring compared to the past ones. This is purely a subjective thing, but I generally agree with this. I for one, miss Cassandra, and not ONE of the new S&S users "does it for me" if you know what I mean. As far as I'm concerned, there is no replacement for her. I also enjoyed playing Kilik and I don't find Xiba anywhere near as interesting or challenging to play as.

At the end of the day, It's simply a matter of preference. You can bash on "opinions" all you want, but the fact of the matter is that it's your "opinion" that the sc5 changes were for the better. Facts don't really matter, because someone could take that exact same set of "facts" and interpret/evaluate them completely opposite than you, and hold the "opinion" that sc5 is inferior.

My personal critique of this game shares some of those same sentiments listed above. There are definitely some positives about this game, things that to me outweigh the bad. This is why I finally decided that this is my favorite SC game, despite some aspects of it getting under my skin.

Point is, the argument is apples and oranges. It's impossible to turn subjective taste into an objective argument. If some people hate sc5, let them be. I could give a million reasons why COD is a terrible game, and none of it matters because people like whatever they want, for whatever reason. Who am I to tell them these games are crap when they have a blast playing them?

You do see the futility in your argument, right?
The point of this thread was to shatter the myth that older SC were "better". I get that.

1) Please don't end a phrase with 'I get that'. I've watched too much Supernatural and every time I hear it I think 'this is where Sam needs to start shutting the fuck up'.

2) I thought the point of this thread was to shatter the myth that there is an unchanging core SC engine that this particular iteration somehow departed from. The argument isn't about 'good' and 'bad' so much as 'pure' and 'impure'. At the very least, its what the title implies.

The good/bad argument is bullshit because only one side wants to argue it. People who think the game is good express that by playing it or breaking it down. People who don't like it need to express it by shutting the fuck up and stop demanding the rest of us justify ourselves to you. It goes both ways - I don't need a single person out there to explain why they don't like the game. I really don't.
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