[Toronto] The Race to 10,000 Mountain

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also the music in this game makes me gizz

Who have you settled on? i've been working on ZWEI recently, and i'm starting to settle into him., finding punishes for ppl trying to escape EIN and such.

On that note. GGs today Dino :) i'm comin for you...... all of you! >:)
Who have you settled on? i've been working on ZWEI recently, and i'm starting to settle into him., finding punishes for ppl trying to escape EIN and such.

On that note. GGs today Dino :) i'm comin for you...... all of you! >:)

Im caught between Lexia and Patroklos. I couldnt get a good grasp on ZWEI. lets play soon. oh yeah pm me your cell number. Also add me on PSN Strydercm
I know the game just came out but Up your game peeps.
I really love SCV and would like the best possible matches with anyone in this community.
Sunny: Sorry about last night. I said this before and i'm sure the old school players will remember. You only had one round left and you could have won. "I made you look like your winning and then I took it AWAY!!"

Raynex/Bernard: Use your great fundamentals in any fighting game and bring it to SC. I see you placing high in tournaments soon.

Charles: i want to see what you can do.

Hope to see great gameplay in the next few months. Please do not let America win our first tournament.
Oh god, please no. Barry? Senior? Dino? STD? Sunny? i don't care who, don't let them win.

Im caught between Lexia and Patroklos. I couldnt get a good grasp on ZWEI. lets play soon. oh yeah pm me your cell number. Also add me on PSN Strydercm

Damn Stryder, don't even take me out to dinner or anything and i'm supposed to give you my number?!? :P jk. I will PM you the info.
I will gladly show you what I can do Russell. If you can stop being a jerk for 5secs. afterwards and give some helpful advice, that would be fantastic :P

After this weekend I will be making an effort to come out to more things. For anybody that wants ZWEI/Xiba practice, my psn is Charlie_C3.... hope to see you guys soon! :)
I'll try my best Russell.

The biggest thing I learned at yesterday's tournament: don't whiff. I didn't think everyone would SS/quickstep as much as they did, and I would throw strings out and hit nothing. Also I have to learn which way to step things. Getting hit for 70 something damage by Patro's B+K because I stepped the wrong way is very, very painful.

On a random side note, when I was playing Thinkingofaname's Natsu, he kept getting me with an unblockable setup (low bomb launcher thing) which hit me if I lied there/got up. Should I just use a low crush move and hop it? Is that my only option? I forgot to ask him...I'd like to learn something new from every match I play, win or lose.
Wow I'm really impressed by the number of active players here and on the Toronto Soul Calibur facebook. I hope this continues in the long run and I hope Namco will finally put their commitment into supporting the game.
On a random side note, when I was playing Thinkingofaname's Natsu, he kept getting me with an unblockable setup (low bomb launcher thing) which hit me if I lied there/got up. Should I just use a low crush move and hop it? Is that my only option? I forgot to ask him...I'd like to learn something new from every match I play, win or lose.

It's less damage if you stay on the ground. If he does it in front of you, just hop.
There's setups with it so choose your tech's wisely.

Charles: You know me. I'm helping Jing learn the game so when I troll, I troll in a match but when training, I train.

We'll see Russell... we'll see lol

Is anybody else finding that certain verticals track really well in this game? I try and step them in either direction and I keep getting hit... maybe it's just me.
Guys, for the sake of FUN, I'm considering running an old school style (non-streamed) local tournament at A&C at some point in the future. The rules will deviate from standard 8WR tournament rules by allowing Dampierre and Devil Jin (we do have a Devil Jin player at A&C).

In regards to Dampierre if anyone doesn't have him and wants experience against him for the eventual tournament I will gladly go out of my way prior to the tournament to help you gain experience against him (or you can play against him online).

In regards to Devil Jin his CaS will be the following:

Size 3
Normal Body Type
Equipment: Samurai Preset (P2 Equipment: Ninja Preset)

I will be putting my own money up for a guaranteed pot prize.

Of course this won't be anytime soon. Probably late February or sometime in March.

Anyone who has a problem with this rule set, just don't participate, simple as that. :)

Runic_Wolf (and anyone else interested in Dampierre): You should keep an eye out on Ebay. I'm seeing Dampierre codes up for as low as $5-$10.
Sounds like a fun idea. I'm curious to see how actual Devil Jin players will fare. One well-timed crouch/TC against EWGF spam (come on, we know everyone will do it) and its lots of damage for you. Not to mention he has no weapon and has to deal with the zoning of everybody else as he tries to get in.

Dampierre is the one that's overpowered...:D
Sunny: Sorry about last night. I said this before and i'm sure the old school players will remember. You only had one round left and you could have won. "I made you look like your winning and then I took it AWAY!!"

Russell you took nothing away, I was embarrassing you on stream. You saw me reading all your move. I jumped every low. But I really felt bad for you after all your friend starting bad mouthing you, and realizing that you're a scrub. So I did the nice thing and let you save face. But don't worry tournament will be different.

Also the Oof tournament, just sound like a bad idea. If it for FUN then just have casuals. Having a tournament without stream just looks cheap. Its just going to make the event boring and meaningless.
This just seem like a power struggle. In fact because this tournament disfranchise people who follows the rules, I will run my own tournamenton the same day that Oof has his. Also my tournament will have stream :)
Also the Oof tournament, just sound like a bad idea. If it for FUN then just have casuals. Having a tournament without stream just looks cheap. Its just going to make the event boring and meaningless.
This just seem like a power struggle. In fact because this tournament disfranchise people who follows the rules, I will run my own tournamenton the same day that Oof has his. Also my tournament will have stream :)

Free tournaments serve the purpose of giving EVERYONE a chance to experience tournament level play complete with high risk/reward scenarios, tough decisions, and less risky play...without worrying about money.

To get better at any competitive game, you need to practice under tournament conditions over and over again. 'Just have casuals' comes from a mindset and approach that will keep our scene exactly where it is. We should embrace every opportunity to help new players AND old players get better with tournament nerves and the 'play to win' mentality. Don't get me wrong, I could play casuals for hours...but it's not going to do anything to dissuade spammers to stop spamming and good players to actually give a shit. To me part of the FUN is improving and getting better. A simple idea like a free tournament would work towards that end much better than casuals would (especially over the long term).

Cheap? Boring and meaningless? His tournament not having a stream is a minimal issue. Who cares who's watching as long as the players involved benefit from the event. The point is to have a good time and increase the skill/knowledge of Toronto SC. It's not just about the top players whipping their dicks out and proving who's better. The moral of the story: people exist in the scene who see OOF's opportunity and others like it, streamed or not, as means to meet people and get better under less stressful, tournament-like situations.

just sayin'
Guaranteed pot prize > Stream

Also we have 2 players on Toronto who are very interested in Devil Jin, and we have other Dampierre players (Runic_Wolf), so I'm also doing it for them.
LOL...my ass. You just want to play Dampierre.

Seriously though...if people complain that your free tourny format doesn't follow the standard rule set, just take out Damp/DevilJ and it will still have been a great idea. I'm not making points for or against those two characters; I just want people to see the merits of a free tournament with or without them.
Someone on facebook made an interesting point earlier... the point of banning Dampierre and Devil Jin in these past couple tournaments has been to "follow the standard rule set", yet single elim doesn't follow the standard rule set.

Why are some exceptions being made for some (single elim), yet not others (Devil Jin).

In my opinion we should follow the standard rule set for any large tournament or major where we expect out of towners (like this Saturday's tournament), but at local small-time tournaments for A&C regulars we should be more flexible to accommodate more players (such as the two Devil Jin players). Just my opinion.
Side note here: Anyone know what bus I wanna take to get sorta close to A&C from Union? And how much it costs? I'm totally lost when it comes to TTC, but it'd probably shave down my travel time a good half hour.

As for the free tourney, isn't the point of it to 'not be so serious'? Why so serious you guys? not everything has to be a major event. Sure it might as well just be a group of casuals, but if it's under tourney structure, shouldn't it be alright? I say leave Devil and Damp in, because why shouldn't we see how far people can take them in a tourney scenario? If it's not streamed, it doesn't matter. There will be enough 'real' tournaments, I'm sure.

Of course, this is just the opinion of some dude in Oshawa, so who the hell cares. But it's a voice in the crowd. Let OOF run his tournament, and loosen up, you're leaking salt.
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