Your New Year resolutions

I like and agree with your 1, 2, and 5.

1) Actually achieve my goals and procrastinate.

2 )Have a stronger soul, physically, but more mentally.

3) Improve animation, drawing, art, and musical skills.

4) Start to become more independent.

5) Do my best and be my best that I can be.

And overall, be a good person.​
1. Try to continue doing what is right, being extremely honest and blunt without being a complete ass.
2. Continue my reading of the big black book (bible) and understanding it's many messages, also my bibles hard cover is purple just for reference.
3. Luneths 1, 3, 4 and 5.
4. Talismans 3, 4 abd 5.
5. Collect as much purple clothing/accessories as i can.
6. Try to stop disliking my sisters
7. Try to overcome major depression because taking all these pills everyday is getting old as all the wine im drinking.
8. Freelance with other animation/music making/Art with locals in my community.
9. Stop being an anti-social negative SoB.
10. Lot's of other personal stuff that i can't say here.
1. Try to continue doing what is right, being extremely honest and blunt without being a complete ass.
2. Continue my reading of the big black book (bible) and understanding it's many messages, also my bibles hard cover is purple just for reference.
3. Luneths 1, 3, 4 and 5.
4. Talismans 3, 4 abd 5.
5. Collect as much purple clothing/accessories as i can.
6. Try to stop disliking my sisters
7. Try to overcome major depression because taking all these pills everyday is getting old as all the wine im drinking.
8. Freelance with other animation/music making/Art with locals in my community.
9. Stop being an anti-social negative SoB.
10. Lot's of other personal stuff that i can't say here.
Beautiful, I support you you through. Baby steps are the main key!

5 is also cool.


1.) Better in school
2.) Weight Loss
3.) More time to play with my dog
4.) finding a best friend
5.) Better drawing and writing
2012 is going to be my year!