PS3 Weekly get together

Unfortunately I had to go early, but I would love to try something like this again sometime. I had lots of fun ; D even though everyone was eons better than me and kicked my ass a lot :3. I should read some guides or something and try improving ^ ^; '
Have fun everyone :D
This was ACTUALLY fun. I was surprised. I thought I would just get disconnects and super lag but didn't really experience it. I will be looking foward to doing this more. GGs everyone.

Also Partisan, FT100000000 ZWEI MIRROR MATCHES!!!!!!!
GG's to all I played in the room, It was hella fun. Can't wait to do it again and level up my Raphael/Aeon more against others especially with Malice and MONEYMUFFINS coming in and beating cats.
Now it ovah (for me anyways)

GGs everyone, this was really fun.

I'm down to do this again tomorrow, Friday or any time during the weekend.
