[Jan 18, 2013] [SCR] SoCal Regionals 2013 (Irvine, California)

Btw, I appreciate you calling me out. AlexJ vs Exit MM. How much you trying to lose? 25$, 50$, 100? Don't worry about what Xeph says about me. I'm a online player and for now I'm a nobody. Problem for you is I will be at SCR with my hand open, waiting for your cash after your sad loss.

Your ego is amazing, makes me want to crush you that much more. Although I'm not sure how you went from something about wearing lingerie and wanting to have me for the night to putting your game face on and getting down to business. Are there multiple personalities I have to deal with? Do I not know which EXITWOUNDS I will get until I play you? No wonder you have stuck to online play. I'll either take the 25 or 50 one, depends on how hype I'm feeling.
I didn't particularly "praise" you, as AlexJ says. I just informed Alex who the people at SoCal to watch out for. Tomahawk, Signia, EXIT came to mind. Regardless, I want in on the 100$ MM with you.

I figured as much and wouldn't want it any other way. As far as you Xeph, I don't mind doing a 25$ MM with you but we have a 5 bar connection online and there is a lot to take from our matches in which, most of them you win. Theres not a single other character/person that scares me as much as YOUR pyrrha. I swear, if they had Taki in this game though we would be having a different conversation.
I figured as much and wouldn't want it any other way. As far as you Xeph, I don't mind doing a 25$ MM with you but we have a 5 bar connection online and there is a lot to take from our matches in which, most of them you win. Theres not a single other character/person that scares me as much as YOUR pyrrha. I swear, if they had Taki in this game though we would be having a different conversation.
Cool, we'll do a FT5 25$ Then.
Your ego is amazing, makes me want to crush you that much more. Although I'm not sure how you went from something about wearing lingerie and wanting to have me for the night to putting your game face on and getting down to business. Are there multiple personalities I have to deal with? Do I not know which EXITWOUNDS I will get until I play you? No wonder you have stuck to online play. I'll either take the 25 or 50 one, depends on how hype I'm feeling.

It was you who was talking about my panties being in a bunch. It was also you who was talking about swinging dick around. I simply joined your 14 year old conversation because I was bored. If I did have multiple personalities they all would be aimed toward the same thing. Takin Yo Cashh. Your the great AlexJ and as him you deserve to win more money so how about the 50$ one?
It was you who was talking about my panties being in a bunch. It was also you who was talking about swinging dick around. I simply joined your 14 year old conversation because I was bored. If I did have multiple personalities they all would be aimed toward the same thing. Takin Yo Cashh. Your the great AlexJ and as him you deserve to win more money so how about the 50$ one?

As the great AlexJ I do what I want. Someday you will learn kid.
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