Soul Calibur 6 Discussion

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I don't think classic SC characters will be DLC. Tekken 7 had the chance to do that (they could have had fighters like Lei and Anna as DLC), but they didn't and used all those resources on guest characters instead. I think SC6's release day roster will be the one we're stuck with, for better or worse.
I hope not. Thankfully Harada isn't in charge. If guests are DLC, we'll end up with ridiculous shit like:

Geralt of Rivia
Gabriel Belmont
Kylo Ren

And it looks less like an SC game and some kind of mutated Smash game of different IPs.
I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this but it looks like the rock paper scissors situation that happens after a Reversal Edge lands is: vertical beats horizontal (lands faster), sidestep beats vertical, horizontal beats sidestep. What are your thoughts?
I wasn't referring to them individually. I meant having them all together, it'd be ridiculous.
Oh well yes, my God that's fucking intolerable to consider and it's just worse to know that if that fool were in charge, at least half of it would actually be happening . . .
I don't want to see him as a boring old human, I can play almost anyone else if I want a human character.
Its part of his story. Like I said, he'll need it if he wants to stay, otherwise his irrelevance will lead to his removal from the series eventually.
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