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  • God Of War is making me excited about SC6 even more, god how i miss a weapon combat system in a 3D environment in a dope atmosphere!!
    Geralt being maybe in SC6 make want to know more about him lol
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    Reactions: darkwings13
    Rex Dart
    Rex Dart
    I highly recommend "The Last Wish," which is a collection of short stories in which Geralt makes his first appearance. It's a quick read.
    Seeing Xiangh and Kilik back together is so mimi and cute <3 One of my favorite Video Game couple for sure ^_^
    So much excited about SC6, now just patiently waiting for my glorious WIFE <3
    "The warriors may fade, but their souls will ignite again."
    Project Bokuho
    Project Bokuho
    Maybe after Final Fantasy XX.
    I've faith we'll hear something about SC6 this year ^_^
    Well after the release of Tekken 7, maybe depending on how well it sells, we may see some real news on SC6.
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