Vile_Death_Wave May 17, 2014 Do people like you troll everybody who is better than you are? lol, im done here - you gotta find someway to have fun huh wingedpirate?
Do people like you troll everybody who is better than you are? lol, im done here - you gotta find someway to have fun huh wingedpirate?
Vile_Death_Wave May 17, 2014 Dude, stop sending me private messages on XBL how retarded are you? IDGAF about your girly facebook group. @WingedPirate If you try any type of match with me - your going to die! horribly! eff off.
Dude, stop sending me private messages on XBL how retarded are you? IDGAF about your girly facebook group. @WingedPirate If you try any type of match with me - your going to die! horribly! eff off.
Ishimaru Jinrai May 16, 2014 WingedPirate is on level 99 bitch tier so much that when he rage quits a match he pretends it's "trolling" to downplay how upset and bitter he actually is over losing. LOL!!
WingedPirate is on level 99 bitch tier so much that when he rage quits a match he pretends it's "trolling" to downplay how upset and bitter he actually is over losing. LOL!!
Vile_Death_Wave May 15, 2014 Here's a better idea, how about you stop playing this game. It's not like this is your first time RQing against me.
Here's a better idea, how about you stop playing this game. It's not like this is your first time RQing against me.
WingedPirate May 15, 2014 Sounds to me like you're a bitch. Lol please shut up and know when you get trolled.
Vile_Death_Wave May 15, 2014 Look WingedPirate, i got no respect for RQers. You already lost, this video shows so. What rage quitter has a right to challenge someone like me?
Look WingedPirate, i got no respect for RQers. You already lost, this video shows so. What rage quitter has a right to challenge someone like me?
Party Wolf May 14, 2014 wingedpirate has agreed to thunderdome. do you accept his request vile death wave?