Ishimaru Jinrai

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  • Just noticed (at the time of this posting), you have 666 likes. You were also my 666th subscriber on my Youtube page. =D
    Ishimaru Jinrai
    Ishimaru Jinrai
    Hahaha uh oh it's an omen!! My curse of evilness!! Lol yea and now I hope nobody +Likes more of my posts, I like my number, or 999 likes...

    And keep up the awesome work btw Skytoast!!! =]
    I'm gold, can we play SCV?
    Ishimaru Jinrai
    Ishimaru Jinrai
    Sure I could play later this week, I have been playing final fantasy a lot and new maps on Call of Duty, i'll be rusty as heck tho.. >:D
    Okay here my Gamertag!

    I encountered a Cat Girl impostor in ranked today! The gamertag was "BLACKJACK67" and he had a character named "Cat Girl!" that looked kind of like your characters. And I think he got annoyed by how many times I flapjacked him.
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    Ishimaru Jinrai
    Ishimaru Jinrai
    hahahaha!! Really?? Well it's kinda funny, I have 3 friends that actually re-made my Emo Kitty custom character! Fenris Zero fought one of my friends Kynu Kitty while she was using a similar custom of mine, and he thought he beat me and put it on Youtube... xD

    Some people like Emo Kitty, I have had her design since SC4. lol
    hey thanks for the follow, whats all that about have you been stalking me or do you just find me dark and mysterious lol? you may be sorely disappointed if youre expecting anything there :p
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    Ishimaru Jinrai
    Ishimaru Jinrai
    Hahaha no problem sir! =] I just liked your posts and decided to follow you because the more followers you have the GREATER you power grows!! xD
    Today was the first red moon or "Blood Moon" since 1967!! O_ol The next red moon will be this September, I hope you all got to see it!!!
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    Ishimaru Jinrai
    Ishimaru Jinrai
    It might be slightly red tonight... The Akatsuki strike time! =P

    Oh and how have ya been DEX??!! Been having fun killing stuff online?
    The Akstsuki can go fly a kite, Ah! lol

    I'm good friend, I been studying for a exam and I hadn't be playing online much.How about you?Making little man-babies
    cry and quit with the rage? :)
    My gold member ship is currently down atm. I can't kill until next week. So I'm stuck with offline casual time only. However, I have been doing rather fine, I suppose. Not having as much success lately, I'm kind of losing a lot more then usual, atm.
    I love you, Ishimaru.

    Sadly it's not often I get to say that, but only to those I have high respect for & to really great friends. Too bad one of them got banned forever.
    Ishimaru Jinrai
    Ishimaru Jinrai
    Awww.. thanks a lot!!! >:DD I'll be on xbox today also! Sorry my TV was being used for my crappy Wii-U... LMao.

    And yeah I heard what happened to IdleMind.. he shall live on in the escaflow of your memories!
    I tried adding you again, but your list is full. I absolutely have no idea how you got off my friends list. I swear, it wasn't me.
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    Ishimaru Jinrai
    Ishimaru Jinrai
    LIES! LIES! LIES!! *Points katana at you* I shall forgive your lord DEX and re-add you, lol. ^_^ Yeah I don;t know like I was gone for a week because of school then I had 99/100 friends and I later was like....

    "Where's DEX?!" lol.
    lmao, w/e it was, I'll make sure to check up on you often to see if your still on. You aren't the only one either. Many of my friends disappeared on my friendslist. They thought that I deleted them too.
    I'm gonna drown my New Year at the local club surrounded by cat nip, vodka, cheap Genki girls, and best of all.. DRUNKEN SWORD DUELS! YES!^^
    Ishimaru Jinrai
    Ishimaru Jinrai
    I'm going to a midnight showing of Monty Python
    Ishimaru Jinrai
    Ishimaru Jinrai
    I hope you have fun SoftShocks!! =D Monty Python rocks! (Holy grail was amazing...) and don't do anything foolish when you drink... like skydiving, you might forget to bring a parachute!!
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