Nice combo. Shame though that landing it takes a corner and the opponent choosing to ukemi but still, good for fun :)
I know, I said that it would only work if they ukemi but if they don't it doesn't. God learn to read.
Mage hahaha LOL, of course they work if they Ukemi XDDD.....for that they are called Ukemi Traps or Tech Traps XDDDDD......and yeah the combo is only guaranteed until the time they Ukemi
They are tech traps but only in this instance, a corner, and only works if they ukemi. So if they roll this combo is basically made ineffective. Still good try though.
the fact is, you say that you dont think they are tech traps in this video, and in minute 0:05 clearly the opponent try to ukemi, and is "tech traped" by leixia 44[A]
Okay, but that's only if they ukemi. Why the opponent would ukemi into the corner is just ludicrous. Most people would roll so its actually completely dependent on ukemis.
Mage, the tech traps are so obvious to see, when the stun combo end(no more sparkles in opponent) he clearly do a ukemi, that ukemi is catched by the nest hit, and in that instance the ukemi-tech-trap occur
I don't think they are tech traps, also the opponent is most likely going to roll in an instance like this. Good try though.
I don't think all of this is guaranteed.
there can be one tech trap to KO but i was looking for her longest combo and that was it 35 hits


Jan 13, 2013 at 12:41 AM
Posted by FallyWalnuts
lol im so good
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