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  • Tjaaa, sitter du på en ps3a? Isf skulle vi kunna spela lite apat/tira mirrors, om du är sugen. Vi borde ha bra connection osv!
    Yes, skulle gå utmärkt ^^ jag spelar inte aPat på PS men Tira och fler går an! När kan du?
    Jag kan lite när som, jobbar lite olika tider dock så det bästa är att bara höras av någon kväll framöver och se om båda kan! Använder du skype kan vi ju hålla kontakten där, jag är alltid online, användarnamn slepasa
    I really hope SC2HDO won't bring out all the competition of SC5, my aPat would be sad
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    Reactions: QuimeraRL
    it wont.
    I was hoping that the other day. I guess it will be normal if you encounter less people in SC5 this days, but if that´s the way, in a couple of weeks it should return normal. I hope a balance between both online games. As for me, I won´t quit SC5, I will play both (and some SC4, too =P).
    Seems like all pros are invincible when they backstep. What's the secret? ;-;
    Der Lindwurm
    Der Lindwurm
    I've noticed the same. I know the theory behind it, but I don't backstep much because I usually get hit when I do. Evidently it's another one of those things where it's a matter of eventually developing good habits and instincts through a huge amount of experience.
    Silent Joel
    Silent Joel
    They backstep when they're aren't at too much at a disadvantage.
    I don't get it: how do you PS3 nerds put up with the lag and almost never get any games? .-.
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    Reactions: Slade
    My Xbox is from 2007 and that bitch still works but I'm an exception because I take very good care of things. xD
    im just the same as you solo.
    This one time I bought Tekken 6 for Xbox 360 and PS3 and while the picture and sound were better on the PS3, the load times and connection quality were better on the Xbox 360.
    I've a PS3 now, SCV for it too! Formatting it atm, takes forever D:
    Pepper ;0 I'm playing on PS3 aswell these days ^^ add me if u want to play some games: t3h_rez
    I will buddy :D see you on there
    Do I even dare saying: I'm looking forward to the Xbox One! *hides*
    If you wanted a character specific guide for learning a character - what would you like it to contain?
    Name every move they can punish, for one
    Frame data, top 10 moves, matchup information, background information on the character.. and that's all i can think of right now :/
    How's Leixia considered low tier? I don't understand that.. thing at all
    Der Lindwurm
    Der Lindwurm
    Frayhua has hacked Robin's account!!!
    Seran Zealot
    Seran Zealot
    Either that or the world is finally starting to see that she really is too good! I know my friends have seen the light.
    I think it really is just the low damage output, which, as we can see in other characters, can really kill someone's game.
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