Good skillproject. And pretty fun to watch.
This is weird, cause my current custom 'Taki', (I only created one till the time of this post) looks almost exactly like how you have yours in this video; I think even the weapon looks the same.
I'm curious, what custom data did you use for this Tak. I KNOW there are a few specifications that are different from mine.
ilTokyoli, i don't think it possible to see those punishes in real battle(
Yes... Taki T_T... I love you.
Nice tips! I'll be looking into Taki a bit more...
I like the song at the beginning and nice taki punishers. Wanna c dem work in a real match.
I like the song at the beginning and nice taki punishers. Wanna c dem work in a real match.


Aug 24, 2011 at 4:04 PM
Posted by Rufus
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