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  • Hello Jaxel, thank you.

    Shame, I didn't know that. I tried to submit manually, but some error is happening (message: "Oops! We ran into some problems.")

    Yes, it would be great to send you the Tio Pro file. How can I do it?

    Thanks a lot.
    PM it to me.
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    Reactions: Vini
    Also send me the CSV you were trying to submit.
    Hello Jaxel, how've you been?

    On last sunday happened the First Brazillian SC6 Championship. I made the brackets using Tio Pro, like I did on past tournaments. But, I've just noticed 8Wayrun is not providing Tio Pro format for the upload. I tried to reproduce the brackets on Challonge website, but it is not working, since the loser's bracket is not matching with the Tio Pro one. Could you help me? Thank you.
    You'll have to submit the results manually. You can create a CSV file to make it easier. TioPro doesn't exist anymore.
    Actually, if you want to send me the TioPro file, I can write up a parser for it.
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    Reactions: Vini
    Hello Jaxel, where can I find the 8Wayrun User ID of someone (or even mine)?

    I know it appears on rankings, but not all brazillian players are in the rankings.

    Thank you.
    Vini - SCBR Community
    Can you change my name to Undertaker or Undertaker666 if the first one is taken please my current name has part of my real name in it and i dont like that
    Started a convo with you :) I would greatly appreciate a little of your time. Thanks <3
    I just got the automated message about two accounts: I no longer want to use this account; I would rather use the new one I just made under the name RudderbuttCos. I would like the account SLYCOOPERFAN123 to be deleted. Thank you and sorry about that; I made the account first because a troll has been going around claiming to be me.
    Thats not something we do here... what we can do however, is rename your account to a new username if you wish.
    Alright, I'd like to use the name RudderbuttCos instead of SLYCOOPERFAN
    Jaxel, hello. I have a few things to say about the site. I like the improvement how we all may now stay on the same page we are previously on after we'd initially log in.
    A question is when we log out, if we press our browser's previous button, will 8wayrun.com log us back in?
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