Xephukai (Pyrrha) VS Hates (Cervantes) (Casual)

did you two end up playing in the end?? - would like to see^^
Fasho. FR Accepted.
well it cant be today then were gonna watch a movie too but i already added you
Add me on XephukaL. Yes, that's an "L." I'm watching a movie right now, though. So, it'll have to be in like 2-3hrs from now. And I promise that I won't shit talk, and of course, taunts are for scrubs.
Well then lets do it im online right now go make a custom game now if I lose I dont want any shit talking lol and no taunting
  • LP


Immortal, even if you do lose, if what you say is true then we'll see it in the vids.
Lol to the last 6 pages... just, lol
So... is that a no?
lol wow im being challenged but i havent played in weeks...... plus the whole upload thing makes me nervous lol
  • LP


I wanna see Immortal vs. Xeph. Not saying either sides right or wrong as I do think Hates isn't playing the match right but I also don't think it's just as simple as baiting whiffs.
12:10 If you noticed the big ass guy in the background, that's me patiently waiting...
Inmortal, since you're on PSN, my offer is still on the table.. FT5-10 tonight? I'll be happy to record and upload, so you can show us all how well you know the match up, and how amazing you are at making me whiff and capitalizing on it.

edit: Also, my winning percentage is about 83%. I'm well above 65%, so you should have no problem accepting, and hitting us with all this secret anti-pyrrha, guage bursting, whiff punishing tech you have.
The cool thing is, Immortal, these players actually adapt and alter their style ever so slightly so if they see that set up again they won't fall for it the next time, and usually they don't.
the AA>back step> 3B is only if the oponent blocked it, see with these tricks you trick your oponent into making a mistake its in a way the same trick as mitsus comon tactic to AA then 4B, its just a trap, so after the guarded AA or 6A if the oponent directly afterwards responds with a move on the same spot that does not hit you you get a free whiff punish, i use this alot and other tactics to make the pyrra miss.
So let me get this straight. You want him to use AA (not 6A which does everything AA does but better) and backstep? If you hit someone with AA why would you sacrifice the advantage to run away instead of apply guard pressure? 3B is punishable from any range by Pyrrha that isn't absolute tip. And 66B which if blocked means you lose 32 health to stab? And you're telling him to make an extremely experienced player whiff.......yeah makes sense.
you should play hates and see how well your pro cervantes does.
lol these people i apologise for a misunderstanding but when i said whiff punishing it also includes backsteping and spacing, making pyrrah miss is easy , see the problem is how can you guys say that cervantes just sucks against pyrrah if i almost always beat pyrrahs? so i guess most PSN online pyrrahs suck with 65% and up just suck with her lol
heres what i do to her with cervantes

use AA's(try to land it from a distance)>backstep>3b (works almost everytime)
dont use unsafe moves unless you read and have pretty good chance at landing
do not use 3b up close, make it so only the tip of the blade lands ,that way she cant punish as easy
master on how to JG all her BE's very easy and learn proper punishes
also use front front B alot (tip range) that way you have more space between you and pyrrah, the space helps guess better what her next action will be
these are just some tips
just know the matchup :D


Jan 2, 2013 at 9:12 PM
Posted by Xeph
Was supposed to be a FT5, but just kept playing. (Sorry if it get's choppy in some places. testing new capture card out.)
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