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  • Glad to see you're still alive. Should make it down to DE sometime soon and hang with the Dover crew.
    Damn... People coming out of the woodwork now that SC2 got announced
    GGs with you on XBL (played you a few weeks ago in Sieg mirrors). If you're ever bored and want to teach a player about some MUs I'm down. There's always something to learn.
    Bibulus what's hidden in Jin & Dampierre's combat mechanics leading to them being tournament banned?
    I want you to actually talk to me, instead of attempt to insult me. I have over 1000 hours of SCV on my PS3 in actual played time. On top of this, I have played SCV every day, with every character except Algol. I wish you administators would actually do your job and stop showing favoritism. Hardcore tourney players aren't the ONLY people who play the game, people from other countries also shouldn't be looked down on.
    you're lucky they're slack on their 'job' considering you probably should've been banned already for the amount of flaming done in that tier thread. smh
    Banning him would be too nice.
    Not streaming tonight... Need to write Techincal Jargon and work on the new Player Wiki. More to be unveiled about that in the coming days!
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    Reactions: DrakeAldan
    Oh, a Wiki regarding players? Wouldn't that end up being a bad idea due to egostroking, disagreements, and all that? Or am I just ebing dumber than usual?
    It's gonna be a combination of player bios, histories and a bit of fun. I'm sure everyone is going to like it in one way or another
    Can you do the commentary on all SC tourneys and streams please? If I hear that guy commenting the World Championships say "answering back" one more time, i'm gonna smash things... (apologies if you know him :D)
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    Reactions: Wandrian
    I like Rich, but he could definitely benefit from expanding his vocabulary
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