SCV- theMenace VS Fuzion FT10 (Online) Part 1

@Signia: To be honest, i watched the fights a couple of times and i did notice most of my whiff punishment and damage came prediction and guessing... I admit my reaction time isnt good, Ive known this to be a problem for some time now... Any advice on how to improve or does it just come with expierence? Thanks for your input.

Also GGs the other night, wanted to play that yoshi but my internet crapped out on me -_-
Constructive criticism? k

Work on whiff punishing properly on reaction and with a move that will reach. You missed a lot of 4B whiff punishes. 3B that shit, or if you're far, 66A. The 3B whiff punishes you did get were on prediction after that common 2A/2K -> backstep -> 3B setup.

I suggest more reactionary oki as well. You were predicting quick getups and doing stuff that doesn't hit grounded and getting punished. Use more 2B.
SW = "Sand Winger", his special stance.
How did you do that cancel with Aeon on the first round? O.o its the first time I see someone doing that


Apr 8, 2013 at 10:07 AM
Posted by Menace
FT10 between myself and Fuzion. I could only upload the last 8 matches of the set (PS3 uploader -_-). I was using NM up until this point and switched to Aeon. Fast paced matches for the most part, constructive criticism is welcomed. Enjoy!
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