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  • New avatar after like three years. Bam from Tower of God
    You're supposed to ask for thoughts
    Okay, *leans forward and stares at you intently*

    try more like 5 years, you've had it since SCV came out
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    Hey you have an oprah right? I'm free as hell to that character and need any MU practice I can get
    Sorry, about to fly out to Vegas. Play me there.
    Well I just meant in general over the next couple weeks, dont feel like getting bodied by saion again at SJ lol
    oh okay, yeah, sure
    Missed the flight due to black people trying to beat up a homeless man who pulled a knife on them in the light rail train.
    Yes, he used the N-word twice in the same sentence. The valiant white father repeated his plea, holding up his cringing daughter that was perhaps too old to held up by the shoulders as a gesture.
    The standoff continued for a good 2-3 minutes, both parties repeating themselves, the homeless man staying quiet in the corner. Finally, a policeman/security guy pops in the back door, an entrance that would make it impossible to apprehend the troublemakers, and they bolted without a word. The homeless man is questioned for 5-10 minutes and then the train went on its merry way.
    The father asked the homeless man, "why were they bothering you?"

    "Well, I pulled a knife on them..."

    I didn't get to hear the rest of his response, but the father soon took his daughter to the other side of the train. (end)
    I got some tips for ya for online play. I used to play SCV on a slower connection than yours. You're lucky you can even play Player match lol. 1. The more players there are in a room, the laggier it will get for you. When a player leaves/joins the room, there will be huge lag spikes. 2. Never be the host of a room. Always join someone else with better net to be the host. Less DCs less everything,
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    Yeah it seems like it can handle two-person rooms ok. I tried global colloseo but it's a bit of a ghost town and I can't stand the wait time. I didn't know some stages lag more. What stage is the safest? My router is in another building, but it's still only about 20 ft away through two fairly thin walls.
    If the connection on player gets that bad, consider taking your matches to global. Finding matches is easy practically all day sunday and Sat around 3 pm to 10 pm. But most players suck. Thats why I used to invite people. Its been a while but I know the Edge Master Stage, and Yoshi's stage.
    The stages that increase DCs are the stages which switch rings. It usually happens right before the ring changes. And I think the ring changes are based on time elapsed during a match. If you survive a DC, the first few seconds will lag if you skip the switch animation too quickly. Then the straight up laggy stages are Hilde's, forest stages, and Natsus. The rest are about the same.
    Impressive performance at Evo. But no Omega??
    I'm not very impressed with myself. My third 4th place placing at a major! I decided my Omega wasn't tournament ready.
    The only matches I think you could have done better in was against Ramon. Ah well, theres always next time. Maybe by then, I'll be good enough to win the entire major myself.
    Can't go to EVO. Didn't get a cheap flight in time. Trains/bus are too expensive, too. Didn't really have the money to be going anyway.
    That's too bad man. At least my alcohol will be safe this year though.
    Step G killed Sc2, VC killed SC3, and now this. I'm not trying to criticize you just making a point. The game developers never intended the game to be played this way. They wanted you to eat CH for trying to step.
    Well if you really want to know I was playing with the mini-backstep in Yoshimitsu's B cancel to see if I could dodge stuff while being safe to backstep killers. Then I backstepped into it and did bG to get more distance and blocked something that I knew I wasn't supposed to. Then, I checked if I could sidestep and do it. Then went through every character's cancels and found that only Hilde could do it too.
    I could only hope that Step bG would be as good as glitches in the past, but it is no where near as strong. It has drawbacks (shorter movement that's more dangerous against fast, close range attacks than a normal backstep) and it requires deep knowledge of frames and spacing to use effectively. I'm probably the only person you'll see using this, other than maybe Hawkeye's Hilde.
    Can't go to SCR due to weird midterm scheduling.
    School? SCHOOL? You don't need school! I didn't go to school and I'm happy!

    *goes back to collecting cans*

    Sorry to hear you can't make it...and so with that, there will be no Yoshimitsu at SCR this year....
    Sad Face :(
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