SC5 - Soulcalibur Impact World Final - Grand Final - OmegaDR [DO](Night) Vs Akire [FR](Mitsu)

I want my black guy back too man.
Wow! Pretty hype match! I thought Akire almost had it there
Is this the same Omega that used to play Zasalamel masterfully in SC 3 and 4?
And this is how a PLAYER could be named like the BEST OF THE BEST in THE UNIVERSE...


Apr 11, 2012 at 12:22 PM
Posted by Zou
Soulcalibur V
Soulcalibur Impact World Final
Grand Final
OmegaDR [DO](Nightmare) Vs Akire [FR](Mitsurugi)

Akire come from Loser bracket, he have to win 2 set of FT3 to win the tournament.

Video from teamspooky channel credits goes to him
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