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  • Hi there! Just dropping in to remind/pester you about voting and supporting SCV in the Fall Classic poll by oneframelink! Simply retweet this message and you're done! If you do not have a twitter please take five minutes of your day to make one! You don't even need to bother with the account again afterwards! If you have already voted, then thank you!!
    Already voted! keep going on Jimbo! (I like EZIO a lot to play but I suck with him cause I'm accustomed to big guys like Siegf and Night).
    I remember seeing you having a sick Yun-Seong on Soul Calibur 4.
    Happy Belated and oh... how's Dominican Calibur?
    Dominican players are enjoying SCV a lot; 2 national tournaments in a year and waiting for the next one! Yun Seong was a hell of fun character in 4 but my favorite is in SCIII and Hwang for SC1!
    Hi !
    Please tell me the name of Siegfried's low attack, In SoulCalibur 4 it was called a + ka2A
    its a just frame from aK series... now the command is 22_88kA:A:2A - this move is no very good in hard matches so keep practicing the standard poke.
    hey STRYKER ;D need to play with you more! although online for aPat is the equivalent of bad sex :P
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    Reactions: Stryker
    Bad sex is better than no sex... true story. I always log on PSN after 7: 00 (-4GMT)
    Stryker, I'd like to play you folks from DR online as i'm from the Caribbean. You guys used to have a forum where is it? where's Moldred santos, Jink etc?
    Manoo, me muero de ganas de ir pa RD, conocerlos a todos y jugar SC hasta q se nos keme el celebro lol.
    A todos nos sobran ganas, pero nos faltan los pesos! Ahora bien esperemos que Namco haga maravillas con el online mode de SCV!
    aye does camilo still use amy? if so can you get some more matches of them?
    Sorry for the late reply... Camilo is using Lizardman and Amy right now.
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