Soul Calibur 5 - Live Ranked Matches | Low Quality Opposition

Noted. My main is Pat so I'm just in the habit of BBs and AAs
To elborate what Twiggy said, if I catch you using AA on me to get into RC. I get a FREE 1B, RO AK punisher. AA & BB for that matter, should be very very seldom used!
Yeah AA isnt a great thing to be using. It is good however to interupt things like mightmares GS mix ups (so long as he isnt TC'ing) but there is 6A+B for that. AA has its uses for sure. But not by way of RC mix ups. If you like RC (as much as I do) A+Bg is the quickest way. But twiggys suggestions are much better.

STOP USING AA LIKE THAT. Or ill pinch the shit out of your titties
AAisnt really a good tool. Especially AA in to rc mix ups. Anyone worth there salt will just kick your ass for it. 1b 4b are better starters and 6a for step checking.
Whats best out of AA or shouldn't I be using it?
You should post up some maxi maxi if you get a chance to record some of me and you
AA~ RC mix ups = Bad bad bad. You use 6A ALOT. dabble in the 1B's, 4B and such. 6A is good in this game. but its a high that goes into RO. There are better options
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