Inside the Tower of Lost Souls Mode works the old "Versus Special System", where you can change the attributes of your characters (attack, defense, HP) and there are skills too. So, the damage of the combos does not match with the "real" damage of the moves at most of the times.
Hot Rod Dave
thanks a lot! Believe me, the ideia is pretty cool and the tag system was very well made inside TOLS. Unfortunatelly, Namco did not take advantage of it.
Here we are with the second version of the SC Team Tag Combo Video. This time I tried to use the swittches as many times I could and give more variation in the sequences. The purpose was to show the big potential of the Team Tag System has in SC.
I would really appreciate if Namco put Team Tag Mode in a future version of Soul Calibur as a mode. As a matter of fact, I really want SC as it was in the past, with many very good modes it used to have (Team Battle Mode, Team Versus, Survival, Time Attack, Edge Master Mode, Museum, etc). Please Namco, wake up and give us a complete game again.
I used only characters I had some experience in SC4 to show a good stuff, so I´m sorry if your favourite character is missing.
* All combos are guaranteed.
* The Combos were recorded inside the Tower of Lost Souls Ascend Mode. As it works with the "versus special system "(where you can change the character's attributes and skills include) the amount of damage of the combos do not match the real damage from the blows.
* Tools used: Avermedia Game Capture HD (record) and Windows Movie Maker (edit).