Soul Calibur V - Ruining Randoms ep1 | New name, same principle

Of course the gameplay isn't gonna be as good. People have been playing for years, I've been playing for months. There is a replay function on SC, post up your own gameplay with commentary if I'm so bad and you're so good.
The video just wasn't interesting to watch, your commentary was great but I'm saying the gameplay isn't good as other videos I've seen. Just giving an honest opinion. If I can get this new Xbox Dazzler I wont mind playing you, I'm not sure the connection will be great though. I'll add you tonight on my list
I don't remember me ever saying I was good. Its my first fighting game, period. Its not like I'm sitting there with a 80% win/loss bragging about how good I am, I just play and talk. If you don't like me, don't watch. It clearly says my name as the video poster, I don't see your issues tbh.
I love how people comment on peoples skill when they havent even played them. Makes alot of sense... sike.
Off the top of my head I can only think of 3-4 people who actually provide entertaining (strike that, ANY) commentary on their matches, which is a crying shame. It makes the community bigger and more fun, and it's fun to do! We don't do it to "show off" our skills; it's just cool to share the moments, whether they be filled with rage or glorious victories. Step off your high asses and provide useful insight or contribute to the video community yourself instead of being so judgemental. FML out.
No offense to you Dazzler but your not that good lol.
haha I usually record these in the day and with our time difference, you wqould have to be on super early
was hoping Id be in this one LOL :P
Meh. I'd be interested if he was good, but alas he is not.


Jul 31, 2012 at 1:19 PM
Posted by WolfLoneThe
Soul Calibur 5 Live Commentary. I'm lazily working on a montage of sorts for each of the characters I play so you might see them at some point in the next year. (Yes, I am that lazy)

I am liable to gimmicks thus the Nightmare loss. I would've thrashed him in a best of 3 set, even with my Pyrrha Omega.
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