Recent content by Cla

  1. Cla

    SCIIHDO Necrid Tournament Legality

    The issue is more of should Necrid had ever been banned in the first place. The only way to know is to leave him unbanned until we start to see a reason to ban him.
  2. Cla

    Lost Swords

    Step-G and G22 still exist in the PS2 version, don't they?
  3. Cla

    Why I'm disappointed in SCIIHD already.

    I'm disappointed that this is based on the PS2 version instead of the Arcade version. Conquest Mode can be made into an epic online mode. Also, the graphics won't be as good as they could be because they are HD-ing the PS2 graphics instead of the HD-ing the superior Arcade graphics. (and the PS2...
  4. Cla

    Lost Swords

    Am I the only one who is disappointed SC2HD is not based on the Arcade version? How epic would it be to have Conquest Mode online?
  5. Cla

    SoulCalibur, Louisiana [SCLA]

    I am a SC veteran in Bossier who loves all the SCs. Perhaps I will host a session at my place sometime. I live right next to Barksdale Blvd entrance to the Air Force Base. But spare time for me to do something like this is very limited. For the time being, a Monday would probably be my only...
  6. Cla

    Sorry I am just now responding to this. But, pretty much any photo editor will do. I used...

    Sorry I am just now responding to this. But, pretty much any photo editor will do. I used Photoshop CS6, but you don't need something that fancy. I've never used Gimps, but it's supposed to be the best free photo editor.
  7. Cla

    Cla's Super Sexy Original Customs

    I wasn't shooting for ganguro. (isn't that tan with blonde hair, as opposed to black?) I just love making black angel chicks with gold hair. But either way, that style is used in only 4 of the 47 chars. Which doesn't make sense considering I just said I love it. I think I just found it harder to...
  8. Cla

    Cla's Super Sexy Original Customs

    Enjoy. ^_^ If you want to quickly download all of the images, I have uploaded a zip file here:!184&authkey=!AJLYzucpki7Vbqw
  9. Cla

    Soulcalibur V - BEST DEFENSE EVAR

    Just run like you're on fire.
  10. Cla

    Soulcalibur V - WELCOME YOU TO DIE

    Someone made an X-mans. I welcomed him to die. Maybe I'll re-do this vid sometime and actually use the "Welcome you to die!" voice sample somewhere in it. Suggestions for where?
  11. Cla

    Soulcalibur V - POOR TIRA

    It really does go with everything.
  12. Cla

    Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate

    No. You're missing the point. All the chars should already be unlocked from the start. That's what I'm saying. -_- You already paid $60 for it. You should already have access to everything. When you buy a music CD, you're not forced to "earn" the rest of the tracks. When you buy a movie...
  13. Cla

    Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate

    Kostas, where are you getting these images? Also, is Pai in the game or not? Her data was found on the demo disc, but the recently leaked achievements do not mention her. Unless that just means Pai is already unlocked from the start. Oh yeah. If you hadn't reminded me, I would've forgot that I...
  14. Cla

    Natsu Questions And Answers / General Discussion

    Is there a thread for Version 1.03 combos? Or do these 1.02 combos still apply to 1.03? Or perhaps a good vid of all her best 1.03 combos? (preferably with notations too)
  15. Cla

    Viola Video Discussion

    I love Viola :) (I'm the Pyrrha here, by the way. I switched to Pyrrha like 2 weeks ago)