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  • haha yeah still am, mostly just weekends though.
    How're you going? Did you do well at the tourney?
    Yeah they'll all be order in the playlist so it won't be a problem. Uploading isn't that much of a problem because I can just set to go while I'm away or overnight, it just takes time.
    well i've been a member of this thing for ... i dont know a few months but I'm just too lazy, y'know.
    LOL........yeah I thought I would give those that see my posts a good shot of voldo's cod piece. Cause lets face it, thats the best part of his outfit....lol

    Melbourne huh? always been a dream of mine to visit austrailia. Im insanly jealous. Wanna trade spots...lol

    Good games my friend.............HRD
    lol replace OOF lol right.....i entered one of these tournaments, but i wasnt able to show up....thats y im 600 and watever.....if i had did the tournament i would be like at least 200
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