Recent content by fantasysoul

  1. fantasysoul

    Jokes thread

    -What dog can jump higher than a bulding? Any, because buildings can't jump!
  2. fantasysoul

    Random Post Thread

    Like now!
  3. fantasysoul

    Random Post Thread

    I hope nick releases the legend of korra on dvd :/
  4. fantasysoul

    You know what really grinds my gears??

    when people come into my room then dont turn off the lights or close the door when they leave >:/
  5. fantasysoul

    FF Versus Possibly Canned

    so its not cancalled? damb it......i need them to start on kh3 already
  6. fantasysoul

    havnt been on a while....

    havnt been on a while....
  7. fantasysoul

    Tales Games/Offical Thread

    havnt been on in a while. im so ready for tales of xillia to finally come to the west!!
  8. fantasysoul

    Tales Games/Offical Thread

    Was anything ever announced?
  9. fantasysoul

    Tales Games/Offical Thread

    Tales of xillia 2 was announced, yet we still dont have the first :/
  10. fantasysoul

    Missing character discussion

    Re-release soul calibur v with the missing characters, a fuller story mode, a meuseam mode, arcade intros/endings and chronicles of the sword for $40.....bad idea?
  11. fantasysoul

    Dragon's Dogma

    Im intrested but idk if I will buy the game aytime soon...
  12. fantasysoul

    Tales Games/Offical Thread

    Well I agree graces f isnt exactly the best tales but I enjoyed it overall, as for destiny 2, I only got to play about half before I lost my copy, I remember enjoying it but it was so long ago so I cant really say much... Legendia?remake? I dont know how to respond :/ never played hearts tho...
  13. fantasysoul

    pokemon-best and worst generation

    Gen1 all of them gen2 cyndiquill (or how ever you spell it) gen3 torchick gen4 piplup gen5 snivey (one of the 3 pokemon I loved in gen 5)
  14. fantasysoul

    pokemon-best and worst generation

    o.O when was this?! I never beat black and white! I couldnt take that shit...
  15. fantasysoul

    Tales Games/Offical Thread

    Banco has reported 200k sales for graces f in the US. They said they have big plans for the series :D Legendia wasnt that bad :x some fans loved it lol..