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  • Curently playing Shin megami tensei Digital devil saga, Final fantasy 9 and Magna carta tears of blood
    Nooot quite sure who you are, but your opinions about Final Fantasy and such make me want to know more about you. :P
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    Reactions: fantasysoul
    Ah nice two VII fans here. :D and actually combined with the PSN sales and PC sales, FFVII has sold over 10M world wide, the actual number is unknown now, though people speculate it's around 18M ~ 19M by now.

    And you lost your copy? ouch. it's hard to get now an days, even used.
    Oh forgot to mention i hated FFXIII, worst cast of characters, boring story, was a pretty game but thats about it imo. and i hate Lightning, with a passion, never hated a character as much as her in a long time.

    What are your thoughts on XIII-2?
    Yea i know it sux! my local gamestore has ffvii. $50 used $75 new :P but im broke at the moment, 13 was....ugh never mind i wont go there
    As for 13-2, well i forced myself to beat 13 but i didnt really enjoy it. 13-2 looks a little better but im not expecting anything too special, im only getting ff13-2 cuz my toys r us is selling it for $45 with pre order.....
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