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  • Hey! Welcome to the forums first of all. :)
    And to answer your question,the only way to put more pictures into your albums is to become a Premium Member. You can also create your own groups when you become a premium member.
    We have three different plans for Premium Memberships.
    You can either pay $20 once for a whole year,pay $20 for a year and it'll renew itself, or pay $2 a month,which will renew itself.

    Hope this helped! Let me know if you have anymore questions!
    Say bruh, I'm just a little ghetto boy. I don't know how to do all that shit. I always see people ask that chick "TagYourPregnant". She's a Mod so she should be able to help you out. I know it has something to do with your User CP.
    I'll give you that but you wasn't supposed to even give that up Mr. TheBestTakiOnXBL! Now what you think gonna happen when we get back on. It's your ass sweet stuff. Lol
    Man, Sweets (the black guy) finally just got a job where we starting to make ends meet. I know we been saying it for awhile but it finally looks like we'll be getting our internet turned back on in a month or so. Shit's been rough but it's all good now. You know we just been itching to dig in that ass "Mr. hesthebestHildeTakiIvyRaph" guy. It'll take us awhile to get used to the on-line play again but you might be a little surpised by the improvement. So we were already beating that ass when we sucked just wait until we get on now ya heard! Lol!
    Hey wastsup!!! Feel free 2 add me cuz i like meeting new ppl... N challengers...lol
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