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  • I haven't used this in forever..Holy shit.
    Hey. I played you in some player matches yesterday I think haha
    I wasn't on yesterday. I was at a local tournament.
    Oh. Well ive seen you around online recently im pretty sure.

    I don't have a ton of time tonight...really just between 8 and 8:30...are you still going?
    Hey, looks like I have very good reason to be in Rhode Island on Thursday. So I'm good to go for a money match. Probably around 8PM?
    Hi, I've already added you on XBL, so do you wish to play sometime? I'm Fiskido by the way. xD
    set up an mlg match with you, 8/21 3:30 pm. Hope you see it in time. If I'm not on 3:30 on the dot odds are I'll log on at least by 3:35-3:40 latest.
    Sup dude. You gonna beast at FSAK this year? I cant make it (Graduating this year) to rep Yun, But you can tho, Aim High and Dream big. SEE YA.
    heya. do you still play sc on xbox, ever? i think i only played you once, back when i was one month into the game and didn't even have move recognition; i'd like to play you again. i'm on your friendslist, still: scha1024.
    hi, im geraldo010 on xbox live and i would like to fight you again cause your name came up with someone else i was playing and i belive i played you before but i would like to face your yun seong. just let me know, im new to this so im seeing how all of it works.
    I'm getting Rusty with my best person, later on get on SC4 you should be at the skill level to keep up my best character in skill for me
    icy > you all.. START BELIEVING!! >333
    k ill see what i can do against what im expecting to be ecessive online tactics from you
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