Recent content by KasumiChan

  1. K

    Setsuka JF Thread

    How to do JF for Setsuka. It will naturally be easier on a controller to slide. It's the rub your tummy pat your head theory. It's much easier to do two motions that are similar and in the same rhythm (21412[36] aB) than to do two different motions that are not similar or in the same rhythm...
  2. K

    Mitsurugi V1.03 Changes

    Angrel-San said he found the same with his BB and FMD B, and so did Legend. So yeah, confirmed.
  3. K

    Mitsurugi V1.03 Changes

    When me and Legend were playing earlier, I JF Ukemi'd out of it by accident, sorry.:\
  4. K

    Setsuka's Lounge

    Setsuka Lounge It's just timing for 1a:a:a, as long as you hit the first a fast enough and the rest at a steady pace, you'll be fine. My biggest problem with that move was just not doing each a 1 frame (or however many it is) apart. Wrong rhythm.
  5. K

    Setsuka Frame Data

    Here's what I have so far for recovery on guard and hit. I'd repost her execution frame data, but not without permission. A HS -3, BS -9 HS: After A on hit, 3B (i19) and B (i16) clash BS: After A on guard, ag:B (i25) launches against B (i16) but agB (i26) doesn't (although they don't clash...
  6. K

    Setsuka Combos

    Sexy Umbrella Combos I thought it was guaranteed too, but you have to tech right. You have to tech super fast, and you can't roll on the ground at all. So it's not actually tech rolling to the right as much as a JF right tech, lol, if that makes sense.
  7. K

    Setsuka Combos

    Sexy Umbrella Combos 3B - 214~3a:B (50) -214~3B:B 214~3a:B (64) CH(66) 33B - bA 33B (54) For 3B: CH WR K, 44B+K (only escapable by air controlling back but not left or right, I believe, have to double check) OR 214~3aB (not escapable). Does between 58-64 damage. With 44B+K it does 64...