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  • In Greece we will be for two weeks in quarantine every shop, gyms, schools etc are closed except of markets and pharmacies! This is the best way to face the coronavirus shit and stay safe! I hope that we the people will overcome this pandemy and everything will be normal again!
    I was waiting for years, I was waiting for months and now it's in my hands! Soul Calibur VI "Welcome to the stage of history" I hope that soon Setsuka and Hwang will be in the game's roster!
    Soul Calibur VI BETA is awesome! I really enjoyed it! My mains are Zasalamel, Siegfried and Ivy! I still hope for Hwang and Setsuka to be available in the game!
    Man, I love SOUL CALIBUR VI! I love it! It gives me some vibes of the old good times when I was playing SC3 & SC2!
    NEW AVATAR! This time I hope that Setsuka will be returned in Soul Calibur 6 and not to be replaced by rubbish characters like A. Patroklos!
    I'm so glad that Geralt of Rivia from "The Witcher" game series is the guest character for Soul Calibur VI!
    Soul Calibur VI looks amazing! Now, I really want to see Ivy, Siegfried, Setsuka, Zasalamel, Hwang, and Tira in the game!
    Another Tokyo Game Show event without a Soul Calibur 6 announcement! Disappointment as always from Namco! The Soul series are dying... :(
    New avatar: "Preparations for Soul Calibur 6?" I wish that these concept arts from Passion Republic were official for the new Soul Calibur!
    I already know that my friend! It's just a wish!
    if that's how Nightmare was gonna look then no thanks
    Haha I agree with you! But the best that we can do is to wait and see...
    My hopes for a new Soul Calibur game (Soul Calibur 6) are run out, but in Greece we have a proverb which says: ''Hope always dies last"
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    Reactions: Draggonnfs
    I'd be incredibly surprised if a new game wasn't in development atm. They wouldn't be asking for people to spam their social media if that wasn't the case.
    I agree with you! But so, what do you think? Is a new Soul Calibur game in development?
    My new avatar: "Taki and Mitsurugi await for a Soul Calibur 6 announcement and they are ready to fight again..."
    Haha when I found this pic, it took me a minute to find Taki too... But yes I guess they all ready for the next fight... And I think that it will be more epic than before....!!!
    I saw a tiny pic next to your name as your avy. It was too small, but it still looked interesting. I was thinking, 'I have to see what this is.' I found Taki like in four seconds after clicking the mouse on your avy. I wondering who drew this avatar, dude. Soul, I can understand: 'cause it's like Rugi finding Taki before their SCII destined battle. lol
    Hahaha everyone as you and me need a few seconds to find Taki in this pic my friend..!! Anyway is a great pic for me so I chose it as my avatar and the one who drew this is very talented.
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