Lochlan Jun 28, 2012 Lol. All my DLC is still intact. Forget most of what I said, except for the new PSN.
Lochlan Jun 28, 2012 Well, thanks to stupidity from not remembering my password, I lost my old account and almost everything it had. A year and 1/2 gone of.....
Well, thanks to stupidity from not remembering my password, I lost my old account and almost everything it had. A year and 1/2 gone of.....
Lochlan Jun 26, 2012 Went back to the old PSN. Created new one for backup. I just want to recover my password and everything from these hackers!
Went back to the old PSN. Created new one for backup. I just want to recover my password and everything from these hackers!
Lochlan Jun 26, 2012 Just created a new PSN. Couldn't change any information on my previous one, hope this one goes well.