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  • Mick is ready tonight if you are ready, about 10pm EST?
    Ok sounds good. Is it ft5 or 10?
    Confirmed, FT10 I think it is, at 10 EST
    Hey man I'm fairly new to SC and using Leixia as my main. Just wondering if you have any advice for me as a new player.
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    Reactions: Watchmanhero
    hey, sorry, I've been away. um what I can say is most importantly have fun with the character you're playing and the game. that's what this is about, having fun, enjoying and participating in the community. everyone is super nice and informative for the most part.
    next if you're playing leixia, just read up some of the threads, there's a lot of information about her strengths and a crap load more about her weaknesses. enjoy your time here :)
    You still playing?
    not exactly. just gonna be in philly this weekend and wanna hang out/play this game with people ^^.
    Cool. It'd be so great to have you at NEC. If you start playing again, add me on PSN : Reptile_SC.
    I have a PS3 now. Let's play SCV.
    sure :) I'm not on sc5 a lot nowadays, but I'll play when I am. my psn is gakel86. send a friend request whenever ^^.
    Hi there! Just dropping in to remind/pester you about voting and supporting SCV in the Fall Classic poll by oneframelink! Simply retweet this message and you're done! If you do not have a twitter please take five minutes of your day to make one! You don't even need to bother with account again afterwards! If you have already voted, then thank you!!
    I'm supposed to be the body guard but you can sure handle fighting on your own.

    Awesome Lexia ^_^
    Hey. So just when I decide to drop Natsu for Leixia, people tell me you won a major with her recently. I'm like, holy smokes Batman, I gotta talk to this guy. I watched your matches and I'm like, why can't I do that? :D I'm nubcake, that's why. Care to share some insight?
    mash hard! jk, just know what your opponent can do and how to get around some things with her evades. also, her aa strings are probably the best in the game so learn to use that to annoy people. also imo watching zero effects intro to leixia is a good start. he started during prepatch but a lot of the strategies are still the same. also watch his podcast with xiang, the nerfcast :)
    that was longer than I intended xD, but if you have any questions just ask thru pm or here and I'll either answer or point ya to the right direction ^^
    I did all that, I just gather info from multiple sources :)
    Hey, I'm also a Delaware player, would you like to get some games in on PSN?
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    Reactions: MTfighter
    definitely, just add me on psn! gakel86, if I'm full let me know! always good to have another player. just sucks you're so far from me! but that's np since there's a lot of players in the philly/south jersey area too!
    I do not have SCV with me at the moment but when I do, I'll make sure to let you know. I look forward to playing against you.
    yea, should be fun times!
    Good job in WB7 man. Really impressive stuff. <33 As a Leixia player myself I must say your showing was really inspiring. Hope to see more of your play man.
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