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  • Really gotta change my playstyle rather than keep it as it as and never try and change it.
    If I find that damn internet cable, I may be able to start playing online again. FEAR FOR YOUR SOULS!!!
    Hi there! Just dropping in to remind/pester you about voting and supporting SCV in the Fall Classic poll by oneframelink! Simply retweet this message and you're done! If you do not have a twitter please take five minutes of your day to make one! You don't even need to bother with account again afterwards! If you have already voted, then thank you!!
    I hate when I have tons of alerts that are all on someones profile that I forgot I commented on.
    Man, I get so demoralized when I lose to a noob. Especially the non-EWGFing Devil Jins, whom I previously mained and should thus know well.
    So like, who is the most and least played characters? I swear I see no one play anyone and yet everyone play everyone.
    I never see Devil Jin, ever.
    I have seen like 3 Aeons over the course of this year. none were the top used style and only one wasn't a button masher using a CAS.
    I fought two just yesterday, didn't play today. That's weird, just chance I suppose. I've seen some Devil Jin, but not many.
    Yin Yang for me. I was on an 11 losing streak yesterday, while today I went on a 13 win streak! Karma!
    I used to think that Dread Charge was useless. I think this no longer.
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    Reactions: Slayer_X64
    You also used to think 66A was a high.
    Thank you! I actually couldn't remember what move it was as my alerts were too far back about that! It may have been a comment on the guide, but I forgot to think about that! Fix'd

    Dread charge is still cool, free damage on block, 80 damage combos, or 60 damage Just.
    Fucking close matches sometimes. Just had a 2-2 match with yellow health and got a lucky grab. Earlier, had a 2-0 and miraculously pulled 3.
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