There really isn't too much about me, except you could consider me
True Neutral (with a dash of good). I play
Compasually (forgot who made that up in the forums lol) and enjoy playing video games as well as drawing. In regards to facing people on Soul Calibur, I prefer completely custom creations and disregard who's better or worse (really, I don't care. I have fun either way as long as it ain't lagging like crazy). I look down upon rage-quitters and people who complain about ring outs (seriously, it's a legit strategy, unlike the former). Anyway, I'm a chill guy both in the game and online. Good games are to be haved (purposely awful grammer for teh lulz).
I'm also writing a novel that I hope gets published and becomes its own series of games and has its own animated series. Most of my soulcalibur creations are in fact characters from my original story, with the exception of
Xbox GamerTag: WarIn54321
Fun Fact (for those who faced me): John Doe's real name is
Karoku, but I had it changed specifically for the Soul Calibur setting (kind of an inside-joke, considering he's an original character from an original series of mine).
My (current) avatar is a colored depiction of
John Doe (Karoku), done by: (cause I'm a garbage illustrator and can't color worth crap).
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