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  • Cool to see you still around the community, especially now with SCII HD announced. I was an East Coast SCII player so we've never crossed paths, but your contributions in the past were astounding. Take care.
    Thank you very much.
    Good stuff! I remember when you came by and helped run SC2 qualifiers for Nationals here in SA. You still keep in contact with Srayer and the likes? Or is everyone all familied out now? Were you affected greatly by the hurricane in Japan? Anywho, nice to see some old school guardimpact SC vets still alive & kickin' (Barely)...
    Yes, thank you for helping me out back then! I would say almost all the OG GI people have long since retired. Have you managed to stay active?
    You are the man! I hope NamDai realizes the talent they have right in front of them one day and put you in charge of a SoulCalibur of your own!
    hey! i recognize you from the digging i did into internet archives looking for old SC frame data! welcome back WCMaxi! ^-^ its nice to meet ya!
    is it true that you work for namco?
    Since about 13 or 14 years ago. But, my involvement in SC5 isn't worth mentioning. I am here as a player only.
    What up big fan from SC1 days! Hope things are going better for you all in Tokyo! I miss roppongi! :(
    Aside from a veggie shortage all things are good here. Thanks.

    I can't say I really frequent Roppongi though, I'm a bit too old.
    HaHa not from what I remember, there were plenty of older guys in the clubs! but I get what you mean Im getting on up there myself... I just watched some of your old skill projects the other day actually... Good times.
    Wow well if it isn't the man who put NorCal Soul Calibur on the map. How goes it? I'm not used to seeing your name on forums without the special purple glowing letters lol.
    Ah ok... yeah, I had stopped all FGs toward the middle of SC2's life. I still don't play any seriously. Too old, too slow, and most newer FGs are trash. (RTS, FPS is more of what I've done since.)

    Is SC4 still active state-side? Seems to have taken a dive...
    SC4 is mostly dead in USA. We have small pockets of hardcore players but I would say that we probably have <50 players total that play in tournaments.

    I think the whole Hilde issue really turned people away. The community was really slow to do anything about her.
    I see... well, it was like that before with SC2 as well. There was a lot of game-breaking bugs towards the end that needed to be tournament banned; but sadly, the decision to do so or not was left to the masses (should have been up to individual tournament directors).

    Every competitive sport updates its rules year-to-year, FGs need to grow to the point in which they do too.
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