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  • I play this game every now and then but then I lose 10-0 to Ssylus and wonder why
    I know that feeling :^)
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    Reactions: Wyde
    Levelling up my Tira, for those rare moments when Algol is not playable.
    I have 10 customs for my tru king husbando now, am I weeaboo trash tier yet or do I need 10 customs for a waifu instead
    I know I change characters with the seasons, but right now I'll try this: Algol as my main and Edge Master as my secondary. Yep.
    When 66B whiffs a millimeter away from your opponent's face #AlgolProblems
    tfw players join a room hosting 3 bars and complain about it being 3 bars
    Oh, the other day I made a "4+ bars only" room. A 3 bar guy joined, begging to test the connection before kicking him. We played a few, and after three straight losses he blames the lag and leaves ¬.¬
    So the last time I had butt sex, the girl replied. "Your dick is in my ass" like I didn't already understand this. Are gay people the same way or are they so used to it, they don't even comment about it?
    I'm going to boldly speculate that she said that as an exclamation: getting a dick in the butt (or anything dick shaped tbh) is a pretty distinctive sensation, so I can imagine people can be like "oh wow this is a thing that's happening" if it's not a regular occurrence.
    I imagine you're much less likely to hear something so arguably redundant if dicks in the butt is something someone is expecting or is adequately prepared for. Then again maybe this woman just likes to narrate what's happening during sex?

    To the second question, I'd probably say something on the lines of "ok neat, it's in".
    That's neat.
    When I hear a slur that can apply to me, I don't express offense: I'm merely saddened by the fact I'm already thought of as lesser.
    Very slowly getting less terrible at USF4. Turns out Decapre is my gal, which I did not expect.
    It's hilarious that people used to think she was OP when she was announced.
    Have fun play fake Cammy!
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