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  • I want to shake off some rust/level up a bit. Any takers?
    You on XBL right? Add me, RolandKirk.
    I'll do that. Thanks. I'll be on at around 4PM EST. Is that time good for you?
    Hi there! Just dropping in to remind/pester you about voting and supporting SCV in the Fall Classic poll by oneframelink! Simply retweet this message https://tinyurl.com/SUPPORTSCV and you're done! If you do not have a twitter please take five minutes of your day to make one! You don't even need to bother with account again afterwards! If you have already voted, then thank you!!
    With ECT around the corner I'm starting to get really nervous about meeting everyone more than the fact that I'm gonna get bodied.
    Some days you win, some days you get your ass handed to you. So when does the winning part start again?
    Let me know. I've been on tilt for a month.
    We can do some matches. My psn is the very same. EST is close enough to me not to have too bad lag :)
    Count on basic stuff like punishment, side stepping, spacing etc. No need to rage-mash and I'm not really good at high skill play.
    Thanks for that. By explaining the moves to you and trying them on an actual person responding, I actually got more confident in their application and discovered a few options and follow-ups that I didn't realize in heated matches when the opponent just wants to run me over. Next it's your turn to mix me up and explain how your options work
    Sure. I'm glad to have someone to train with. Thanks for the explanations. I'll work on that and continue to study Tira's frame data and your character's frame data so I can know what's punishable. Though Tira's not that mixup heavy compared to other cast members, I'll try my best. lol
    Whatever it is she was supposed to do to win. I don't understand that character at all, I just know that if I rush her down and gb her and mix her up she's not that scary than if I let her run free.
    8WR so desolate. Where's the love?
    I live in NYC. Yeah, I'm still interested in PSN matches. Definitely. Also thanks for the reply, Sandman.
    This is a community where the majority actually goes and plays rather than trolls the website. :) You should go see the chicago scene or if there is one in nyc.
    Chicago's a bit too far for a casual trip. I'm trying to hook up with a few people in NYC for some offline training. *crosses fingers*
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