Recent content by zerolegends

  1. zerolegends

    Soul Calibur V Connection Problems?

    Okay so i opened up my DMZ host thing for my PS3 cause i portfowarded earlier and it has the same IP and Everything... so i just used that... now it seems like it made the problems worse... before i could search for a room game now it seems like everytime i try to search for a room its always...
  2. zerolegends

    Soul Calibur V Connection Problems?

    To be honest with u i have no clue... and it pisses me off that i cant have a normal match with sum1... and even if i do.. it takes freaking forever ! to find sum1 else to play with... i cant play in player matches or global colossus...
  3. zerolegends

    Soul Calibur V Connection Problems?

    Okay well this is a pain in the ass... it takes me a good 30 minutes to find a good (ranked)match and sometimes whenever i get to the Character selection screen, the game times out on me and I lose the Connection with the other player. This is rediculous on top of that i cant play Player matches...