Soul Calibur V Connection Problems?

Yeah, I get the network error thing as well. My solution has been to simply exit the game (to the Xbox dashboard) and restart it. That's fixed it every time so far.

I'm not sure what's going on there. It's like you're disconnected (because you can't join any matches), yet it doesn't go as far as saying so...
I get the same "A Network Error Has Occurred" middle finger from Namco. At least every forty-five minutes to an hour. So far, only in the "Global Colosseo". That's when I go to offline mode or a different Live mode for a half hour or so. Then, the Colosseo works again for a while...
Get this every. Single. Match.

My win/loss record is currently 0-0 because I have yet to actually finish a match, yet alone a round.

My connection is fine and my NAT is open. What the hell, Namco.
Just posting to agree with DYY again. It's possible that "all NAT 2's aren't equal" so I would definitely recommend all of you have NAT 2 *AND* set your PS3 to static IP and open all the router ports according to these guides even if you do.

Also I didn't have the time or patience to do fully shut down my PS3 + cable modem + router on Sunday after trying to apply the changes, but I did on Monday and that's when it worked. Could have been my router after all, and the problem exacerbates when lots of other players are online.

Just in case it helped me, I would say all of you should do a full cold reboot of your network after applying the changes too. Totally power down all of them and turn them on again, instead of one at a time.
The only hard part is trying to remember the login to your router controls, I always seem to forget it.

For the rest there are plenty of good guides if you just google "port forwarding" or post here for help and I'll try to help. These connection issues had me frustrated and enraged all weekend, so I was just there with you.
Okay well this is a pain in the ass... it takes me a good 30 minutes to find a good (ranked)match and sometimes whenever i get to the Character selection screen, the game times out on me and I lose the Connection with the other player. This is rediculous on top of that i cant play Player matches without being Kicked off by the network with a "Network error" or "unable to join room" same with Global Colossus. Any1 having the same problem, if you guys fixed it any tips?
Since we all have the same game and at least I don't have these problems, I can only guess that it's related to your connection. Is it wireless?
For us PS3 players, we got an update from PSN to SNE. I am hoping to God, that this will fix the problem. Haven't tried anything out yet, because it's late here. But anyway, I sure hope that this update may have been the cure for our server problem issues. I hope.
I'm on XBL and I'm behind a router. It constantly shows me as a zero bar connection and I can only connect to a small percentage of players online. Additionally, I get the network error bug thingie after a few matches. Ranked matches time out.

Sc4 and everything else in the freakin' world works fine. Even if I connect straight to the modem I still only show, like, 3 player rooms w/ 10 people or something.
I will randomly have this problem. I just exit the online and go to my main menu and then re-enter. Normally that fixes it.

I also wondered if it was because I had been playing for so long. Maybe my playstation was too hot??
I don't really think it's a game issue though. More like our internet connections.
Not sure if it means anything for you, but searching Player Match is pretty inconsistent, pulling up 3-6 rooms which can be different each time. Sometimes I only get 3 too on a connection that's working well.

I find you can test your connection without actually fighting by joining one of those rooms. I go into one of these rooms to make sure my connection is stable before I go play Ranked Matches. You'll see your connection fluctuate up and down from 3-5 bars down to 0-1 bar quickly if it's unstable.

I considered plugging the modem straight to PS3 to eliminate router issues too, but got it fixed before then. Not sure what to tell you beside cold reboot, make sure it's NAT 1 and try again.
I hope everyone who is posting here is also contacting Namco. You can send them an e-mail:
If there are any other venues to complain to let me know. This should have been patched by now. I'm on XBL. I actually got to play for an hour+ last night. Then, "Network Error" in the Global Colosseo. It always happens eventually. Or has every time so far.
Hi, I have the same problem, but since I don't have the details on how this multiplayer works (it appears a lot of things relays on external servers) I could only compare it with another games I own for PS3 and Xbox and PC. All of the work fine while online but soul calibur V, And even playing with a friend of mine on the same city on a region that have no SC players, the problem is present, do you know where I can complain to Namco (or at least let them know of my problem to see if they can do something)?

To be honest with u i have no clue... and it pisses me off that i cant have a normal match with sum1... and even if i do.. it takes freaking forever ! to find sum1 else to play with... i cant play in player matches or global colossus...
I sent them an e-mail during the peak of my frustration last weekend. Here's the short version of their response.

- SC5 uses peer-to-peer matching, don't use other programs that use up high bandwidth while trying to play
- Power cycle your modem
- Use wired connection if possible
- Run connection test and make sure you have Open NAT type
- Contact your ISP if you need further help with NAT type

Basically things already mentioned here. Still, I agree that drawing attention will hopefully get an official fix of some sort from their end for people with persisting problems.
^^^ I had NAT 3 yesterday, then I changed it to NAT 2. I actually used multiple guides yesterday, the pregamelobby being one of them... but I didn't post it.

After I got NAT 2 I was still having connection issues. I opened the ports and then my connection was fine.

So NAT 2 *AND* open ports.
which ports? i need to know that. tnx.