How to pronounce Hilde (With evidence)

hil-duh is wrong too :). i am from germany and i know how to pronounce it right, hmm say hil like "hill" and then you all know the deftones, say only def so you have "hilldef" and then without the f at the end and you have the right pronouncation :), maybe not 100% (cause of dialect) but 95% for sure ;)
We call her HildyBitch and we call people who use her HildyFags. Not that im saying anything of course :sc4hil1:
Fact is most people are to lazy take the time and read a new word or name, so they come up with a bad pronunciation.
Like people who call me "Norman" >_<. How do they get a r and mistake and d for a n?
In the movie Silver Streak, the role female character is named Hilde. However she says it is pronounced HILD-EE
maybe a nickname

Not that ANYONE will read this post
It's universally pronounced Hild-eh in the UK and seeing as you all speak the queen's English, fuck you all XD