Dampierre Ring Out Information



A+G(random)-Dampierre facing front of edge
  • Range from edge to RO: Close-Semi close, the distance this throw covers is quite good
  • Applications: Combo: 623B ~ A+G RO
  • Reliability: Fair- You have be aware the opponent can break the throw and of course there's a chance A+G can come out in it's regular version which doesn't RO.
B+G- Dampierre's back facing the edge
  • Range from edge to RO: Close
  • Applications: If you're back is facing the edge you can attempt to use this throw
  • Reliability: Decent
A+G_B+G(Back throw)
  • Range from edge to RO: Close
  • Applications: The only thing I can think of at this time will be with Voldo in BS stance, bear in mind he can throw break whilst backturned, you'll rarely have a situation where you can do this however.
General Moves:
  • Range from edge to RO: Close
  • Applications: This move can also RO to Dampierre's Right side if you're close to the edge as well
  • Combo: A+B ~ 66K, more reliable if Dampierre is very close to the edge or is close on his right side.
  • Range from edge to RO: Close
  • Applications: Pretty much use this for punish on unsafe moves -18 or worse
  • Range from edge to RO: Close
  • Applications: Like 3K you can use this as a punish on unsafe (-18) moves or worse, Combos: e.g.623B_623B(X2)B!E! RO. If you're willing to go for range and luck, you can add a RCC A+B after 623B if you're really desparate, but I certainly wouldn't advise doing so
  • Be aware, you risk a self RO if you go to far off the edge, so observe and make a swift judgement on when to stop the B!E! kicks.
  • Range from edge to RO: Close
  • Applications: -
  • Range from edge to RO: Close
  • Applications: Combos: 623B_623B(X2) WRK RO
  • Range from edge to RO: Close (variable depending on the kicks)
  • Applications: Both kicks within this string both RO *need to check*, you'll mostly however be using this in a combo, most common: 11B, 44BKBK, it works after A+B as well.
  • Range from edge to RO: Close-Semi close
  • Notes: Be careful, the K followup can self RO if the random version occurs.
  • Range from edge to RO: Tip of the edge
  • Notes, you can self RO if opponent somehow evades this...
  • Range from edge to RO: Tip range (3B) Close (3BB, notes, if done correctly from close range they cannot AC away)
  • Range from edge to RO: Close-Semi close
  • Range from edge to RO: Close
  • Applications-
Combos that RO

  • 623B(x2 optional) ~ WRK *Staple*
  • 623B ~ A+G(random) *Staple*
  • 623B (x2 optional) B!E! *Staple*
  • 623B(x2 optional) ~ RCC A+B ~ 66K
  • 623B(x2 optional) ~ RCC A+B ~ B!E!
  • 623B(x2 optional) ~ RCC A+B ~ 66~44BKBK
  • A+B ~ 66K
  • A+B ~ 66~44BKBK
  • 11B ~ 44BKBK *Staple*
  • 11B ~ B!E! *Staple*
  • 33B(BE) B!E! *Staple*
  • 33B (BE) 44BKBK - Whilst this does RO I personally wouldn't use this, last kick whiffs way more often than it will hit, range and angle dependant.
Breakable Wall Combos that RO
  • A+G WB! ~ 3K *staple*
  • A+G WB! ~ B!E! *staple*
  • A+G WB! ~ A+B (need to recheck)
  • A+B WB! ~ Same followup options from A+G are applicable
  • 3K WB! ~ 3K *staple*
  • 33K WB! ~ 3K *staple*
Extra Combos that RO
B+K 1 in 5 chance of getting fastest UB version.
  • B+K, 3K *staple*
  • B+K, B!E! *staple*
Will update soon: any additions, corrections are welcome

33B, 33B BE , 22K, A+B, WR A+B, Running K, and 11B can all ring out, I think. I can't check right now though.
Also, to ring the opponent out first with B!E! you generally need 3 kicks.
I'm at work from my phone so this list is off the top of my head. I'm probably missing something.

Forward RO

A+G (Random)

A+B ~ B!E!* or 44BKBK
CH 8B+K ~ B!E!* or 44BKBK
33B BE ~ B!E!*
33BK (mid K)
11B ~ B!E!* or 44BKBK
623B (x2 optional) ~ B!E!* or RCC A+B ~ B!E!* or 44BKBK

Running K

B+K ~ B!E!* or 44BKBK or 3K or 3BB etc
33BK (GB version, mid K)
33B BE (GB version) ~ B!E!*

* incomplete version

Right RO
A+B ~ 66K

Back RO
22KK (Risk of self RO with second K)

RO Note: All RO's that end in B!E! or 44BKB will RO over short walls/fences.

You might want to add wallsplat moves that lead into RO off breakable/short walls/fences like A+G, 33K etc.

Range: Very close to edge
Applications: Not all that reliable but it seems to happen more often when used from FC position.


Range: I would assume very close the edge, but I think it has more to do with the angle.
Applications: Extremely situational and hard to pull off.
Combos: Unknown.

Maybe we should also list RO combos separately.
Poker Bluff B adds some lulzy RO potential against airborne foes at quite a distance. It's pure luck, but the range on it is shockingly high.

EDIT: Same case for his CE. It has a chance to do the less-devastating CE animation instead though.
Poker Bluff B adds some lulzy RO potential against airborne foes at quite a distance. It's pure luck, but the range on it is shockingly high.

EDIT: Same case for his CE. It has a chance to do the less-devastating CE animation instead though.

I actually managed to RO someone out with this on Yoshimitsu's stage. I have a video of it in the Dampierre Q&A thread.

It has some ridiculous knockback.
Hmm....not sure whether to add it or not, I'd much prefer to have a list of moves that RO on standing opponents rather than airbourne besides it's very rare for a person to jump after Damp's in PB, they're either gonna guard or attempt a throw break or beat out with a fast low....

I might change my mind later on and give it a special mention. Thanks for the contributions, OOFMATIC, Somebody and Slade, yes I'll also add a RO combo section too! I might keep it simple and reduce some of the application bullet's listed so I won't repeat info.


Some more RO combos or at least combos that can RO:

A+B B!E!


B+K 623B RCC A+B B!E!

B+K 623B RCC A+B 66K

Also, the best RO combos in terms of range:

623B 623B RCC A+B 44BKBK

623B 623B RCC A+B 66K


B+K 623B RCC A+B 66K


A+B 66K

33_99B BE 44BKBK

11_77B 44BKBK
Half of those RO combos have already been posted in this thread. The only ones that weren't are the B+K variations, a couple of 66K enders, and the 33B BE one. Good stuff regardless, although I tend to not bother with some of those due to them not being practical/too risky for high level play.
(33_99B)K (the CD 1 3 version from T6)
66_99 BE (GB on Guard) 623B 623B A+B B!E!
66_99 BE (GB on Guard) 623B 623B A+B 66~44BKBK
CH (44A)B B!E!
CH (44A)B 66~44BKBK
44K (on airborne opponent), both versions