noodalls investigates JG (and some GI)

Probably depends on the CE. When we tested Raph's it definitely had to be after super freeze (about F95 from memory).

Also, sorry to say, but my PS3 didn't quite make it's 5th birthday ($1000AUD launch 60gb PS3). Got a YLOD today, may be some time before I replace it.
Wrong timing with extra tap* --> guarded, no JG.

If I may make a small correction/clarification...

Wrong timing with extra tap --> guarded on the extra tap, no JG. Gets hit on frames between the wrong timing JG attempt (guard button released window) and the extra tap.

I know this all too well from being a victim of it so much in the past.
Really interesting stuff... thanks for putting it up noodalls. I didn't know that moves don't "appear" until 1 frame after the button command is sent in soul calibur. So just to clarify, in this 8-frame cycle of JG:

F0: guard button pressed down
F1: guard button released (*active JG frame?*)
F2: active JG frame
F3: active JG frame
F4: active JG frame
F5: active JG frame
F6: active JG frame
F7: active JG frame

Is F1, where you release guard, also an active JG frame? Or in other words, is the total window of frames where you can get a JG 7 frames or 6? In your example using Natsu's A on F0, I guess my question would be if you press down guard button on F9, and release on F10, will you get hit or get a JG?
The thing is, there's not other people using visual analysis like this, so I've gone with the most consistent approach.

When buttons appear in input display relative to moves animation commencing is very variable per game.
For example, for different i10 moves in different games (where the move appears to hit on F10, and animation begins on F1) the command will appear on screen at F0 in Tekken, F1 in Soulcalibur and F2 in SF4.

Which one is more accurately depicting what's going on? I can't say, and it would probably need someone from the programming teams to clarify. However, if we assume that the SF4 version can't be right (moves animating before the input is received doesn't make sense) then either the SC or T6 display must be correct. I chose to stick to the T6 approach, given that a. I've spent more time with it and b. the earliest possible result seems like the best result to me. If people disagree, they can just add one onto all of my input values. That way a 10F move will hit on the 10th frame, and the animation and input will appear on F1, not F0.
Maaan you guys/gals are almost to technical for me! I know 10key & some of the abbreviations, but dang JG/FO/12/LMNOP LoL Geez! Just guarding is all about timing & no I don't have it down yet but dang all the technical jargon is like blah blah blah sometimes... I'm pretty sure just guarding is just like blocking w/o holding guard so once you get use to JGing instead of holding block we'll be fine.
And frankly it is difficult to humanly press, release and press again in under 5 frames.

Finally got around to testing this, thanks to VF5FS' awesome training mode. The average I could do for press to press was 8F (e.g. press G for 4F, release for 4F and repress again the next frame, or 2/6, 1/7, 3/5 etc.) This seemed pretty reliable in terms of getting both presses/not holding down forever etc.

This being the case, all that double tapping would really eliminate would be the longest two possible JGs (P1 pressing G on F0-3 or F1-3/4 versus a 2P Natsu A on F0 and ), everything else would be intact.

i.e minimal effect on actual play.

If people input faster than 8F, it may have more effect.
Someone I talk to brought up some points.

I tried doing the 2K blocked, and then JGing an i15 move. I did not succeed consistently as mentioned, but I did succeed a few times. I tried Pat vs Pyrrha, Pat gets 3B blocked, Pyrrha retaliates with her 3B, Pat is -16, Pyrrha 3B is i17. I have JGd this a few times in a row. (My success rate is not consistent like when I normally JG, though.)

I guess, basically, what's the deal with buffering and JG? I thought JG could not be buffered, but apparently I am wrong.
Pat 3B guarded, Pyr retaliates with 3B, 1F window to release G to JG. i.e

Press G on F52 (release F53) --> JG
Press G on F53 (release F54) --> Guard
Press G on F51 (release F52) --> Get hit
Press G on F49-52 (release F53) --> JG
Press G on F52-53 (release F54) --> Guard
Press G F48-52 (release F53) --> Get hit

If you space out your initial 3B, you can have a 2F window to JG.
Pat 3B input on F0 needs to be guarded on F17.

Pat 3B input on F52 following previous 3B input on F0, guard on F70
Pat 3B input on F53 following previous 3B input on F0, guard on F70

i.e. the Buffer window ends on F52.