Does anyone know any Astaroth combos that doesn't involve grabbing?

I am asking for combos that don't involve grabbing, combos an opponent cannot tech out of. Most of these combos involve grabbing but the opponent cannot break out of them.
You do realise i am practising with the CPU? You can program the CPU to tech everytime.

And yes these combos are very Realistic if you used Astaroth as much as i have you will know this combos are very realistic i use them everytime. But if you haven't watched any of my matches how would you know?
I dont get the point here tbh. Asta is a grab character of course his combos involve grabs. As long as you dont rely on 2 A+G/B+G too much and use 4B 44B whatever as a finisher instead you´ll be fine.
You do realise i am practising with the CPU? You can program the CPU to tech everytime.

And yes these combos are very Realistic if you used Astaroth as much as i have you will know this combos are very realistic i use them everytime. But if you haven't watched any of my matches how would you know?
And they only work BECAUSE it is against the CPU! No player with advanced knowledge about this game would eat these combos!
well 50% of what he does is grabbing the other half is bullrush 4B ,44A and long range moves. And like 90% of his combos involve grabbing in some way. Even if its just a wall combo. I mean how many combos does he have in the first place aside form that. You get 22B after 63214 B+G,44A 6B stuff, Ch 3 A+B into grab or 4B 44B. Thats pretty much it. And i guess if you dont count air A+G as a grab in wallcombos you can get some stuff done without other grabs. But then again asta doesnt need it since he has strong single attacks, grabs, and guardbreak potential.
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